Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...

Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ... Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...
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^6fauthim in vitaAmbrofij adMyAugufi.juag,i4.i4fMiurnt not im^moderatlythe d(aJ,ft/r,€lry/.in locum.wellGomehimasthc Kipg ofheavens offi€er to givetbem poflTcflion o^ an everlafting inhcrit«^nce 5 weefeaic our friends when they have a vizour on rheir faces,butput it ofFand we rejoyce in them. Excellcncwas the fpcech ofS.Amhofe to the Nobles of his city,whichvvichthreats and flatteries were fent to himby the Gotrnt Stiitco, to perfwade him to pray untoGoDforthecontiniianceofhisHfe,which when theholy Bi{lx)p heard he anfwercd divinely, J have notfoHvcdamongft you that Inor am] afraid to die, becaufe we have a goodfaith on earth as there is joy in heaven/ we would notbe afraid ofdeath ; this isthcnarrow paflagc betwixtthis lifeand our countrie: on thisfide the bridge wehave many troubles, many fins, many feares, mmytemptations ofthe Divcl,which fhould make us thinkthe worfeofourlives,and very willing to leave them:am aflrimed to live longer,Lord.Doubtlefle had we(beIovedbrethren)as muchbut on the other fide,we fliall be freed from all trotjble,fromall fin,from al moleftation ofthe divel,andfhall be filled with all the joy our hearts can pofllblydeiire.Sothat hitherto we may apply 54w/>/^A;f riddle,Oi*t oftheeater CAmeforth meAt^Andoutofthefireng cameforthfweetnefe.Secondly, this may fei ve to moderate ourexcef^fiVe/raourning for our friends which die, we hope inthe Lo R D.Z>rf

tttii& FuiHrdLd^W* Bolton. 27ring our faces, or putting on mourning garments, fofaith the fathcrsand I fay,hnppy are they which haveexchanged a bafe earthly tabernacle for a princelyPallacc>- forrowcs for joy, and eartli for heaven 5 andinethinkesourblefTed brother now deceafed, if hehad incercourfc with us mortal^rreacuresj would faytohis deare wife lying in her tearcs,children andfriends, as our Saviour did tathoiepious women thacfollowed hivfVyD aughters ofleruftiem rveepe notfor mn^ LuV.s3.23.Imt yvi4peforyour fdvesy you know my failings, mymeditations, my warchings (and know you brethrenthat godly M^niftersdopurpofely watch and medi--tate for you,when you are or would be a deep.) Youknow my gricfe for my owne calamities and for thecalamities of Gods Church, and by yourowne experience,you may know what fliarpc combats I havehad with that raging enemie the Divell, and whatwounds I have received in the confli(5l ; now do Ifeare no perils on the land or fea, no perils in thehoufeorin the field, now am ] vidorious over Satanand have trampled him under my fecc, and now hehath nothing at all in mee, and now am ] crownedwith gloric, and would you (my dearc friends) be founkind to me to wifh me alive againe, and to run theformer hazards ^ Kings and Queenes are willing toniarric their daughters to forraine Princes, and neverlooketofet their eyes onthcm againe,and fliould wcmourne too much for his abfence, and not rather rejoycewirhhim for his happier cftate then this earthcanafford^ When /^f

tttii& FuiHrdLd^W* Bolton. 27ring our faces, or putting on mourning garments, f<strong>of</strong>aith <strong>the</strong> fathcrs<strong>and</strong> I fay,hnppy are <strong>the</strong>y which haveexchanged a bafe earthly tabernacle for a princelyPallacc>- forrowcs for joy, <strong>and</strong> eartli for heaven 5 <strong>and</strong>inethinkesourblefTed bro<strong>the</strong>r now deceafed, if hehad incercourfc with us mortal^rreacuresj would faytohis deare wife lying in her tearcs,children <strong>and</strong>friends, as our Saviour did tathoiepious women thacfollowed hivfVyD aughters <strong>of</strong>leruftiem rveepe notfor mn^ LuV.s3.23.Imt yvi4peforyour fdvesy you know my failings, mymeditations, my warchings (<strong>and</strong> know you brethrenthat godly M^niftersdopurp<strong>of</strong>ely watch <strong>and</strong> medi--tate for you,when you are or would be a deep.) Youknow my gricfe for my owne calamities <strong>and</strong> for <strong>the</strong>calamities <strong>of</strong> Gods Church, <strong>and</strong> by yourowne experience,you may know what fliarpc combats I havehad with that raging enemie <strong>the</strong> Divell, <strong>and</strong> whatwounds I have received in <strong>the</strong> confli(5l ; now do Ifeare no perils on <strong>the</strong> l<strong>and</strong> or fea, no perils in <strong>the</strong>houfeorin <strong>the</strong> field, now am ] vidorious over Satan<strong>and</strong> have trampled him under my fecc, <strong>and</strong> now hehath nothing at all in mee, <strong>and</strong> now am ] crownedwith gloric, <strong>and</strong> would you (my dearc friends) be founkind to me to wifh me alive againe, <strong>and</strong> to run <strong>the</strong>former hazards ^ Kings <strong>and</strong> Queenes are willing toniarric <strong>the</strong>ir daughters to forraine Princes, <strong>and</strong> neverlooket<strong>of</strong>et <strong>the</strong>ir eyes onthcm againe,<strong>and</strong> fliould wcmourne too much for his abfence, <strong>and</strong> not ra<strong>the</strong>r rejoycewirhhim for his happier cftate <strong>the</strong>n this earthcanafford^ When /^f

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