Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...

Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...

Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...


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attk Furterdll ^/M'.BoIton.folationto<strong>the</strong>affli(aed, as appearesby<strong>the</strong>end<strong>of</strong>chc.former Chapter, that <strong>the</strong>y rfiould after <strong>death</strong> goc toaneternall hovikyjlmmfoH mortem acquirenda, forthwithto be p<strong>of</strong>lefTed after <strong>death</strong>,as Efti^s (h^wcth out<strong>of</strong>P^^//^>^'^i^/w^ <strong>and</strong> Ti^^w^,whichelfc could be Lib.^jif.ti,butfmall comfort unto <strong>the</strong>m, if<strong>the</strong>y beJieved <strong>the</strong>y ^^^•*»fhould be detained in a fiery prifon, farre hotter <strong>and</strong>more intollerable <strong>the</strong>n any puniOimenr in this worldcan be 5 <strong>and</strong> that <strong>the</strong> foules <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> faithful! were in aftate <strong>of</strong> happines before <strong>the</strong> Afcenfion <strong>of</strong> Christinto Heaven is cleare, (though nei<strong>the</strong>r <strong>the</strong>y nor <strong>the</strong>Angels were fo happy for degree, as after <strong>the</strong> incarnation<strong>of</strong>our Saviour^is generally concluded, <strong>and</strong> bycleare demonftrations confirmed;) <strong>the</strong> point I fay isclearej build not my faith on <strong>the</strong> book<strong>of</strong>Wifdome,though it binds Papifls to <strong>the</strong> beliefe <strong>the</strong>re<strong>of</strong>, thatfaith, <strong>the</strong> foules <strong>of</strong><strong>the</strong> righte ou^ are in <strong>the</strong> harids <strong>of</strong>'Q o d , Wifdome 4.md <strong>the</strong>rejhdl no torment touch <strong>the</strong>m: no torment, <strong>the</strong>a''^'^*not <strong>the</strong> torment <strong>of</strong> Purgatory 5 but behold a cryftallftreame which is able to quench <strong>the</strong> flames <strong>of</strong> Purgatory;ifa wickedman will turnefrom all hisfinnes.^che Ezck 18 22.jlsallfurely live,he [ball not die: all his tranfgrefions tha<strong>the</strong> hath committed j]^all not be mentioned to him. Howdoth he not remember, if he doth fo feverely punifhthat it paffeth <strong>the</strong> imagination <strong>of</strong>man to conceive <strong>the</strong>greatneffc <strong>the</strong>re<strong>of</strong> ^ can <strong>the</strong>re be a back reckoning forthat which (hall never be remembred < <strong>and</strong> faying,that not a few but al his fins fliall be forgotten,will heyet punifh <strong>the</strong>m to fatisfie for any fins at all i <strong>and</strong> is itnot an cafie thing unto <strong>the</strong> Lo r tx in<strong>the</strong> day <strong>of</strong> <strong>death</strong> Ecdef. i x-a,to reward a man according to his waies -f Call youa placethis a reward,for a good man to be thr uft intoiC 3 <strong>of</strong>j^

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