Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...

Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ... Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...
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1 kA Sermon Truched^^^' cypr. de morta- inftnotly upoHthc diflolution 5 as Saint CyfrianiitM jinemfe- fpokc toBemetriai^us^though. a blafphemous Echnicic,'^'chat ifhe would at the end of his life pray to G o d forthe pardon of his fins, belceve and confefTe him, hefhould be tranflated fub ipfa morte to immortality,* why not •*. the foule being purged clearely from theimpurity and ftaine of fin by thecomplerion & ftateof grace, which gets full dominion in the very momentof her departure out of the body, as AlexanderBalenfis, t>urandm, and other learned Schoolemenhavcrefolved, and it is not defined in that Churchwhether the deordination of the will, and whethervirions affedions (as too much love to wife and chil-Lib.4Mll»ii. dren) remaine in the foule, faith -E///^, yctdocwesea.3»^grant this to be true, that the more gracious any manis in this world, the more is he now rcfpe(5led ofGo D,& the more glorious {hall he be hereafter. Thepoint it felf is clearly proved by the New Teftaracnt,Rom.8. 1. There ii no condemnMion tofuch as are in C h r i s t ] e-jigahfi Fur- s v s . None,and therfore not to purgatory paines. Forgatoiy.the name damnation extendeth to Purgatory, faithMai0n agaxnfi\'cq^^ f *^^ /^,SentenJifi.^'^ . q,2 . Sixtus Senenps l.S.Annotat,^'-j.No condemnation faith the Apo(lIe,yes,thatthere is damnation to the fire of Purgatory, faith theJefuite iW4/^^.Whether will you beleeve^againe,)^^^''^'^ ?^4/-r//^^ earthly houfe of this our tabernaclejl)all bedefiroyedjwe have a building net made with hands, butetemallinthc heavens, S^chr'jfojlome rendreth e^u^ if. hyt-Tztv when^to note the time immediatly after death, hefaith ix'^uAv not 'ihij-zv we have not I knownot after howmany years,we ihall have:which may further appcareby the Apoftles'fcope,which was toadminifter confolation

attk Furterdll ^/M'.BoIton.folationtotheaffli(aed, as appearesbytheendofchc.former Chapter, that they rfiould after death goc toaneternall hovikyjlmmfoH mortem acquirenda, forthwithto be poflefTed after death,as Efti^s (h^wcth outofP^^//^>^'^i^/w^ and Ti^^w^,whichelfc could be Lib.^jif.ti,butfmall comfort unto them, ifthey beJieved they ^^^•*»fhould be detained in a fiery prifon, farre hotter andmore intollerable then any puniOimenr in this worldcan be 5 and that the foules of the faithful! were in aftate of happines before the Afcenfion of Christinto Heaven is cleare, (though neither they nor theAngels were fo happy for degree, as after the incarnationofour Saviour^is generally concluded, and bycleare demonftrations confirmed;) the point I fay isclearej build not my faith on the bookofWifdome,though it binds Papifls to the beliefe thereof, thatfaith, the foules ofthe righte ou^ are in the harids of'Q o d , Wifdome therejhdl no torment touch them: no torment, thea''^'^*not the torment of Purgatory 5 but behold a cryftallftreame which is able to quench the flames of Purgatory;ifa wickedman will turnefrom all hisfinnes.^che Ezck 18 22.jlsallfurely live,he [ball not die: all his tranfgrefions thathe hath committed j]^all not be mentioned to him. Howdoth he not remember, if he doth fo feverely punifhthat it paffeth the imagination ofman to conceive thegreatneffc thereof ^ can there be a back reckoning forthat which (hall never be remembred < and faying,that not a few but al his fins fliall be forgotten,will heyet punifh them to fatisfie for any fins at all i and is itnot an cafie thing unto the Lo r tx inthe day of death Ecdef. i x-a,to reward a man according to his waies -f Call youa placethis a reward,for a good man to be thr uft intoiC 3 ofj^

1 kA Sermon Truched^^^' cypr. de morta- inftnotly upoHthc diflolution 5 as Saint CyfrianiitM jinemfe- fpokc toBemetriai^us^though. a blafphemous Echnicic,'^'chat ifhe would at <strong>the</strong> end <strong>of</strong> his life pray to G o d for<strong>the</strong> pardon <strong>of</strong> his fins, belceve <strong>and</strong> confefTe him, hefhould be tranflated fub ipfa morte to immortality,* why not •*. <strong>the</strong> foule being purged clearely from <strong>the</strong>impurity <strong>and</strong> ftaine <strong>of</strong> fin by <strong>the</strong>complerion & ftate<strong>of</strong> grace, which gets full dominion in <strong>the</strong> very moment<strong>of</strong> her departure out <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> body, as Alex<strong>and</strong>erBalenfis, t>ur<strong>and</strong>m, <strong>and</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r <strong>learned</strong> Schoolemenhavcrefolved, <strong>and</strong> it is not defined in that Churchwhe<strong>the</strong>r <strong>the</strong> deordination <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> will, <strong>and</strong> whe<strong>the</strong>rvirions affedions (as too much love to wife <strong>and</strong> chil-Lib.4Mll»ii. dren) remaine in <strong>the</strong> foule, faith -E///^, yctdocwesea.3»^grant this to be true, that <strong>the</strong> more gracious any manis in this world, <strong>the</strong> more is he now rcfpe(5led <strong>of</strong>Go D,& <strong>the</strong> more glorious {hall he be hereafter. Thepoint it felf is clearly proved by <strong>the</strong> New Teftaracnt,Rom.8. 1. There ii no condemnMion t<strong>of</strong>uch as are in C h r i s t ] e-jigahfi Fur- s v s . None,<strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong>rfore not to purgatory paines. Forgatoiy.<strong>the</strong> name damnation extendeth to Purgatory, faithMai0n agaxnfi\'cq^^ f *^^ /^,SentenJifi.^'^ . q,2 . Sixtus Senenps l.S.Annotat,^'-j.No condemnation faith <strong>the</strong> Apo(lIe,yes,that<strong>the</strong>re is damnation to <strong>the</strong> fire <strong>of</strong> Purgatory, faith <strong>the</strong>Jefuite iW4/^^.Whe<strong>the</strong>r will you beleeve^againe,)^^^''^'^ ?^4/-r//^^ earthly houfe <strong>of</strong> this our tabernaclejl)all bedefiroyedjwe have a building net made with h<strong>and</strong>s, butetemallinthc heavens, S^chr'jfojlome rendreth e^u^ if. hyt-Tztv when^to note <strong>the</strong> time immediatly after <strong>death</strong>, hefaith ix'^uAv not 'ihij-zv we have not I knownot after howmany years,we ihall have:which may fur<strong>the</strong>r appcareby <strong>the</strong> Ap<strong>of</strong>tles'fcope,which was toadminifter confolation

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