Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...

Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...

Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...


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4t <strong>the</strong> FuHcraliefM.^,Bolton, 1 5birds <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> ayre, tkTurtle, <strong>the</strong> Storke, <strong>the</strong> Crane <strong>and</strong>^^^ g^^^Sivdlorv,hovif<strong>the</strong>ir^pp0imeJtimeS'jihcv!a\!Eavingmzvihe travels whiles it is light, <strong>the</strong>n he knowes he is under<strong>the</strong> protedion <strong>of</strong><strong>the</strong> Lawes, <strong>the</strong> fea-faring manhe obfervcs <strong>the</strong> wind, <strong>the</strong> Smith he flrikes whiles hisiron is hot 5 nay we may learne this wifdome from<strong>the</strong> divell himfelf, herageth <strong>and</strong> doth all <strong>the</strong> mifchief ^he can,kcaufe his time is htjhort,Thus <strong>of</strong>doing good,<strong>and</strong> fo likewife muft we let no opportunity flip <strong>of</strong> receivinggood, lay hold <strong>of</strong> every feafon which maybe an advantage to get heaven, to ftreng<strong>the</strong>n <strong>and</strong> increafefpirituallgraces, be glad if thou canf<strong>the</strong>are*•P***^ "• *<strong>the</strong> Word preached on a working day. Saint Bajll **he ^J^'^J"'^*''^"'*preached on a working day, <strong>and</strong> tels his Auditors<strong>the</strong>ir thoughts & defires, that he would be fhortthat<strong>the</strong>y might goabout <strong>the</strong>ir labour. If fuch thoughtspoirclic our hearts, at this or any o<strong>the</strong>r time,let us repell<strong>the</strong>m, <strong>and</strong> remember what <strong>the</strong> holy Fa<strong>the</strong>r <strong>the</strong>refpeaketh, <strong>the</strong> time fpent in Go d $ fervicc is not l<strong>of</strong>t,for God (torecompence <strong>the</strong>mj removes troublcfomebufmefie, gives promptitude <strong>of</strong> minde, orilrcngth <strong>of</strong>body,fends cuftomersto buy <strong>the</strong>ir wares,<strong>and</strong> if he doth none<strong>of</strong><strong>the</strong>fe;yet(are <strong>the</strong>y no- Ic<strong>of</strong>crsby <strong>the</strong>ir paines, for ) he gives <strong>the</strong>m a rich treafureinheaven.Laft ly? this point may teach Gods children pa- 7«tience in all diftrefres,<strong>and</strong> afford <strong>the</strong>m found comfort j.^^^Ji'Ainall cftates : <strong>the</strong>y arc nearer heaven now, falvation time.'now is nearer to thcra <strong>the</strong>n wheij <strong>the</strong>y began to believe;fin <strong>and</strong> Satan do now difquiet <strong>the</strong>m, but <strong>the</strong>y Rom.ij.a.(hall not do fo for evcr.Many a one can be content toendure hardship a few yeares, nay to be a galley ilaveCunder

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