Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...

Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ... Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...
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goThefecmdSttHaxian.fag, 5 X.J and and^°^*As M G.wclldrunkards, whore-maftcrs, dcboift fwaggcrcrs,fcorners of Religion, fcnfuall Epcures, 5>tigmaticallfcurrill jeftcrs 3 O how would they take on,ftampc, and play the Bedlams ! how they wouldrage, raile, and cavill ; though by the mercy ofGod, they fhould be no more able to ovenhrowby any found reafon what I fay, then to removethe niightieft rock,when they arc reeling- drunkc,either with wine or malice. Now upon this occafionlet me acquaint you with the truth, about thisunhappy imputation, ordinarily laid by Proteftantsat large upon the power of godlineffe. Now adaies,every boiftcrous Nintrod^ impure drunkard,felfe-guilty wretch, is ready with great lage tofliein the face of every profefTour, with the imputationof Puritanifme s if he doth but looke towardsReligion, labour to keepe a good confcience in allthings, he is prefcntly a Puritane, and through thisname, many times by a malicious equivocation,they ftrike at the very heart ofgrace, and power ofgodlineffe,at Gods beft Servants, and the Kingssitbeftfubjc(jis. Forthereisnoneof themall, but inBoyff •ftf^.579' their fence,with all their hearts, they would be theftrickteftPuritanesin a Countrey upon their bedsofdeath 5 I mcane,that their confciences fhould becnlightned, and they not fealed up with the fpirit•of number, like drunken NahdH^ior a day ofvengeance.But let none hecrc out of humour,malicc5fa. There is 4 gener4tm,&c. You fhall findcmany

Apfe Sermon,8rmany of thcfe,erpecially among the common andignorant people ; charge them wichfinnein genejrail, and they will confcfTcjand yeeld : but defcend 1to particulars, and you can faften ife^iing uponthem, they are true Jufticiaries; prefle oneof thefewith the firft Commandement> and how he ftandsin his carriage towards it, O he is infinitely free, heneverfervedany God, but one,c^ and yet with theirown tcftimony,confirmethemfelvesin a great opinion oftheir owne integrity.Secondly,! meane not the morall Puritane,whothinks himfelfe as fafe for falvation by the power ofcivill honefty, as if he were already a Saint in Heaven5 whereas it is cleare^iy^^. 12.14. without additionofholinefTe to civill honefty,and confcionabicdealing with our Brethren, none (hall ever fee theLord.Thirdly, I meane not the fuperflitious Puritane,who out of a furious felfe-love to his ownewillworfhip,and fencelcfTe doting upon old Popifhcuftomes,thinkes himfelfe to be the only holy devoutman, and all forward profefTours prophane.You fhall heare aknot of fuch fellowes fpeake, lfa»^^,$XMfe »9t mere to me, fir J am hlier then then,Fouahly,

goThefecmdSttHaxian.fag, 5 X.J <strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong>^°^*As M G.wclldrunkards, whore-maftcrs, dcboift fwaggcrcrs,fcorners <strong>of</strong> Religion, fcnfuall Epcures, 5>tigmaticallfcurrill jeftcrs 3 O how would <strong>the</strong>y take on,ftampc, <strong>and</strong> play <strong>the</strong> Bedlams ! how <strong>the</strong>y wouldrage, raile, <strong>and</strong> cavill ; though by <strong>the</strong> mercy <strong>of</strong>God, <strong>the</strong>y fhould be no more able to ovenhrowby any found reafon what I fay, <strong>the</strong>n to remove<strong>the</strong> niightieft rock,when <strong>the</strong>y arc reeling- drunkc,ei<strong>the</strong>r with wine or malice. Now upon this occafionlet me acquaint you with <strong>the</strong> truth, about thisunhappy imputation, ordinarily laid by Proteftantsat large upon <strong>the</strong> power <strong>of</strong> godlineffe. Now adaies,every boiftcrous Nintrod^ impure drunkard,felfe-guilty wretch, is ready with great lage t<strong>of</strong>liein <strong>the</strong> face <strong>of</strong> every pr<strong>of</strong>efTour, with <strong>the</strong> imputation<strong>of</strong> Puritanifme s if he doth but looke towardsReligion, labour to keepe a good confcience in all<strong>things</strong>, he is prefcntly a Puritane, <strong>and</strong> through thisname, many times by a malicious equivocation,<strong>the</strong>y ftrike at <strong>the</strong> very heart <strong>of</strong>grace, <strong>and</strong> power <strong>of</strong>godlineffe,at Gods beft Servants, <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong> Kingssitbeftfubjc(jis. For<strong>the</strong>reisnone<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>mall, but inBoyff •ftf^.579' <strong>the</strong>ir fence,with all <strong>the</strong>ir hearts, <strong>the</strong>y would be <strong>the</strong>ftrickteftPuritanesin a Countrey upon <strong>the</strong>ir beds<strong>of</strong><strong>death</strong> 5 I mcane,that <strong>the</strong>ir confciences fhould becnlightned, <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong>y not fealed up with <strong>the</strong> fpirit•<strong>of</strong> number, like drunken NahdH^ior a day <strong>of</strong>vengeance.But let none hecrc out <strong>of</strong> humour,malicc5fa. There is 4 gener4tm,&c. You fhall findcmany

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