Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...

Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ... Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...
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. Doc78 The ftcondwhofocvcr take the right way, and (land for thebcft, I'Hcke CO him,and welcome • and blcfTe Godfor ^o good a guide;) Let the c jrrcnt ofthe timesrunne never fo boifteroufly a contrary courfe, letthe event, and fucceflfe, be for thee> or againfthavethee, as God would have xu&c thoufliiltmore honour,and combrr, in doing as the Ho l yGhost dircds, and as an honcfl: man fliould, thenifthy voice were able to purchafc for thee,theriches of both the Indies, or advance thee as highas Heaven.And furthermore confider,ifthou fliouldeft havethy hand in the preferment of any wicked, and unworthyman to a place, whether thou haft not thyhandalfo infomefort, inallthemiferics,andmifchiefeswhich may fallout and follow upon his illdi (charge ofthe not think, (for the purpofc)if a Patronftiould preferrc corruptly to a living, an idle,dilTolutcMiniftcrja felfe-preacher3temporizer5enemy toGod s pcople,c^f .that he fhould not in fome meafurebe acceflary to the blood of all thofc foules,which (hould perifh by the default, and under thej^fe ^,cruell handoffuch a negligent unconfcionable fellow:rThirdly,for Exhortation to all Rulers,3nd whofocvcrtake into fheir hand theraincs of Governmentover other in any kind, that they would berighteous; that they would firft,furniflithemfelves,with Imputed, 2.Morall. ^. Religious rightcoufnelTe,with thofe feven-fold fore- mentioned ondowmentsin a good Magiftrate. That they maybehave

Apfi Sermon. 79behave themfelves, as Go d would have them,which that they may comfortably, and confcionablydoe,Ietthcm take good counlcll, and amongd:many other diredions, doe, as I now advifc ; Letthem I. Get Jesvs Christ. 2. Enter into theirplaces purely in Gods name. ^, Beillightncd,direded,and quickncd to a thorow, and conflantdifchargeofthem, principally by the divine light,and heavenly motions of Gods holy truth. "4.Keepe ever a clcarcconfcience,both in refped oftheir perfonall walking, and right managing all theparticulars oftheir publicke charge. 5. Have an eyeftill upon that laft, and dreadfull Tribunall, atwhich they muft fliortly give a flrid account forallthings doneinthefleih.But herebeforel enter upon the particulars,giveme leave to prevent an exccption,remove a fcruple,which may perhaps arife already in fome menshearts,and fo dull their attcntion,and blunt the imprelftonof the enfuing points. What i may fomefay,here is nothing but Jesvs Chris repute preferment,holytruth, divine light, I know not howmanykindesof righteoufncfic, clcare confcience,fadfore-thoughtsof thelaftday,c^r. All (for anything I fee)tcnding wholly to Puritanifmc 5 1 think "^ A derivativehe would haveusali fo ^ righteous,that wc fhould wracc'co'rsCUrne Puntans,^^. o'pn; in myBefore I fpeaketothepoint, let mee tell you, TT'.^''/Tthat I am right glad, that I have now mminc eye, the Septua!fuch an honourable, noble, judicious, and under- §'""ftanding Auditory, who I know will doe mee ^°^'4'»7»right,were there now before mee a number ofL 3drun-

Apfi Sermon. 79behave <strong>the</strong>mfelves, as Go d would have <strong>the</strong>m,which that <strong>the</strong>y may comfortably, <strong>and</strong> confcionablydoe,Ietthcm take good counlcll, <strong>and</strong> amongd:many o<strong>the</strong>r diredions, doe, as I now advifc ; Let<strong>the</strong>m I. Get Jesvs Christ. 2. Enter into <strong>the</strong>irplaces purely in Gods name. ^, Beillightncd,direded,<strong>and</strong> quickncd to a thorow, <strong>and</strong> conflantdifcharge<strong>of</strong><strong>the</strong>m, principally by <strong>the</strong> divine light,<strong>and</strong> heavenly motions <strong>of</strong> Gods holy truth. "4.Keepe ever a clcarcconfcience,both in refped <strong>of</strong><strong>the</strong>ir perfonall walking, <strong>and</strong> right managing all <strong>the</strong>particulars <strong>of</strong><strong>the</strong>ir publicke charge. 5. Have an eyeftill upon that laft, <strong>and</strong> dreadfull Tribunall, atwhich <strong>the</strong>y muft fliortly give a flrid account forall<strong>things</strong> donein<strong>the</strong>fleih.But herebeforel enter upon <strong>the</strong> particulars,giveme leave to prevent an exccption,remove a fcruple,which may perhaps arife already in fome menshearts,<strong>and</strong> fo dull <strong>the</strong>ir attcntion,<strong>and</strong> blunt <strong>the</strong> imprelfton<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> enfuing points. What i may fomefay,here is nothing but Jesvs Chris repute preferment,holytruth, divine light, I know not howmanykindes<strong>of</strong> righteoufncfic, clcare confcience,fadfore-thoughts<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>laftday,c^r. All (for anything I fee)tcnding wholly to Puritanifmc 5 1 think "^ A derivativehe would haveusali fo ^ righteous,that wc fhould wracc'co'rsCUrne Puntans,^^. o'pn; in myBefore I fpeaketo<strong>the</strong>point, let mee tell you, TT'.^''/Tthat I am right glad, that I have now mminc eye, <strong>the</strong> Septua!fuch an honourable, noble, judicious, <strong>and</strong> under- §'""ft<strong>and</strong>ing Auditory, who I know will doe mee ^°^'4'»7»right,were <strong>the</strong>re now before mee a number <strong>of</strong>L 3drun-

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