Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...

Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ... Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...
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7^The fecondmore audacious, and undaunted for any adventurethen other Lyons, fo lyon-like bold, fliould everyMagiftrate be, for he muft pull the prey out of theLyons mouth, and refcue the opprefTcd from theman that is too mighty for him, he muft not beafraideitherof mortall, or immortall adverfaries,he muft not fearetheface of man, or frownes ofgrcatnefte, the lofle ofpreferment, prefent or promifed:he muft hold to the death, fuch principlesas thefe : Let luflice be done, and let the heavens fall^ifjferijlyjferifh'y Shouldfuch a man as I flee,and befaint-hearted? lively.hoody liberty, Itfe and allfor agood cofifcicncej^c. And fo bold can a Ruler neverbe,unlc(Ie he be righteous, and reconciled untoG o D . It is the comfoct of a good confcience alone,which is able by a fecret, and facrcd influence, notonely to fill the body v^ith marrow, and fatnefle,infpire the aife(5lions with acalme,andcompofedfwectnefre,but alfo begets in the fpirit that ftrong,and heavenly vigour, which inkindles, and keepesin life all fuch true courage, and noble refolution.There may be a brazen- face, and much foole- hardincffewithout grace, but never a brave mind in-A wicked man advan-deedjand fpirit of fteele.ced, and hoifted into fome high place, may lookebigge,domincere5 and give foulc words, Nay, tobe plaufible, and pleafc he may doc many goodthings; ftand t6 it ftoutly a good while; but bringhim once to a ftrong temptation, or tryall, put himupon the pufti ofthePikes,& he will prefenrly pullin the hornes,and ftart a fide like a broken bow. Hethat is a flavc to his lufts, and (laviihly fcrves thetime

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