Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...

Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ... Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...
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Sa7he(econdfupportsandprefervesj all the States and Monarchiesjallthe Comraon-weales, and Kingdonties ofthe earth, but even the world it fclfe. Afluredly,\f hen the laft of thefe Elecfted ones, whom Godhath everlaftingly loved from before all worlds,Ihall becalled,converted,and fitted for Heavcn,theworld Hiallftand no longer,but the heavens fhallllirivell together like a fcrole, and pafTe away witha noife, the whole frame of this inferiour world,fliall be turned into a ball of fire, the ImperiallCrownes ofthe greateft Monarchs upon carth,{haUflame about their eares 5you that carry now all beforeyou, and wallow impenitently in the glory,->that KingcfKings I denjotemy Scepter, at his feete in all humblcneffe offiirity llay dcwneitij Crowne^ towhofe ferfice, as. awoji humble homager, and VAJfall, I confecrate alltheglory, honour, fflendor^ and lujlre of my earthlyKingdome, And what will become of all the powerand pollicy, that oppofeth the people of Qcm, wemay fee in the fecond of Daniel ver, ^34,55 ,44,45Thofcfourc flrongcft Monarchies, and mightieftStates,

Aftfe Sermon,6^States, that ever the Sunne faw, fhadowcd by Nehuchadnezar^great Image , fetting themfelvesagainftthefervants of Go d, were beaten upon,and blafted by the curfe of divine wrath, and fofunke in their feverall times, into the jawcs ofruine,and irrecoverable defolation. Theyblufteredawhile like mighty winds with much threatning,and impetuous rage, but prefently breathed out intonaught,andvaniilied for ever. Thatfione, faith theTcxtjwhich was cut out without hand, fmote the Imaj!^euponhisfeetCy that rvcreof jrorij and clay, and brakethem t6 peeces. Then was theyron, clay^ the hraffe^ andfdver, and the gold,brokcnto feeces together^ and hscomeUkfi thechajfeofthe Summer threfldngflower, andthe wind cnrriedthem away ,that no place wasfoundforthem. And fo let all the implacable enemies ofJesvs Christ periilitothe worlds end. 5^/4^.Thus you fee what is the maine end of Magiftracy:which neceffarily requires righteoufneflfe inRulers. ForA wicked Magiftrate or Minifter entering intothis place, not by Gods doorc, but by the Divelswindow,asthey fay, which is ordinary with men,^of ill conscience ; ifthey be of a medling and malignanthumour,fen(e of his guiltincfife in comminginbafely,and at a backe-doore, enraging him, orthe curfe of God for his Symony or Bribery juftlyhardning his heart- it is his wont to vexe and fallfoule upon honeft men, to ftandfor rotten caufes,totakethe worfe part without repentance all thedaies of his domineering. But if he be of a duller,and marcunadive fpirit,and given to the world ^he

Aftfe Sermon,6^States, that ever <strong>the</strong> Sunne faw, fhadowcd by Nehuchadnezar^great Image , fetting <strong>the</strong>mfelvesagainft<strong>the</strong>fervants <strong>of</strong> Go d, were beaten upon,<strong>and</strong> blafted by <strong>the</strong> curfe <strong>of</strong> divine wrath, <strong>and</strong> f<strong>of</strong>unke in <strong>the</strong>ir feverall times, into <strong>the</strong> jawcs <strong>of</strong>ruine,<strong>and</strong> irrecoverable defolation. Theyblufteredawhile like mighty winds with much threatning,<strong>and</strong> impetuous rage, but prefently brea<strong>the</strong>d out intonaught,<strong>and</strong>vaniilied for ever. Thatfione, faith <strong>the</strong>Tcxtjwhich was cut out without h<strong>and</strong>, fmote <strong>the</strong> Imaj!^euponhisfeetCy that rvcre<strong>of</strong> jrorij <strong>and</strong> clay, <strong>and</strong> brake<strong>the</strong>m t6 peeces. Then was <strong>the</strong>yron, clay^ <strong>the</strong> hraffe^ <strong>and</strong>fdver, <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong> gold,brokcnto feeces toge<strong>the</strong>r^ <strong>and</strong> hscomeUkfi <strong>the</strong>chajfe<strong>of</strong><strong>the</strong> Summer threfldngflower, <strong>and</strong><strong>the</strong> wind cnrried<strong>the</strong>m away ,that no place wasfoundfor<strong>the</strong>m. And fo let all <strong>the</strong> implacable enemies <strong>of</strong>Jesvs Christ periilito<strong>the</strong> worlds end. 5^/4^.Thus you fee what is <strong>the</strong> maine end <strong>of</strong> Magiftracy:which neceffarily requires righteoufneflfe inRulers. ForA wicked Magiftrate or Minifter entering intothis place, not by Gods doorc, but by <strong>the</strong> Divelswindow,as<strong>the</strong>y fay, which is ordinary with men,^<strong>of</strong> ill conscience ; if<strong>the</strong>y be <strong>of</strong> a medling <strong>and</strong> malignanthumour,fen(e <strong>of</strong> his guiltincfife in comminginbafely,<strong>and</strong> at a backe-doore, enraging him, or<strong>the</strong> curfe <strong>of</strong> God for his Symony or Bribery juftlyhardning his heart- it is his wont to vexe <strong>and</strong> fallfoule upon honeft men, to ft<strong>and</strong>for rotten caufes,totake<strong>the</strong> worfe part without repentance all <strong>the</strong>daies <strong>of</strong> his domineering. But if he be <strong>of</strong> a duller,<strong>and</strong> marcunadive fpirit,<strong>and</strong> given to <strong>the</strong> world ^he

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