Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...

Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...

Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...


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54 The fee ondfuch an univcrfall finccre feveritcy againft all finnc,that he is now become <strong>the</strong> drunkards fong,^^.That mm <strong>of</strong> G o d which being fcnfible <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>horribk fin <strong>of</strong> killing foiiles, dares not burdifcoverunto his people, <strong>the</strong> damnablenefTe <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>ir (late,all kinds <strong>of</strong> hypocrifie, all forts <strong>of</strong> unregeneration,•<strong>the</strong> whole counlell<strong>of</strong>Go D ^<strong>and</strong> fo dwell upon <strong>the</strong>irb<strong>of</strong>ome fins with terrour, <strong>and</strong> truth, <strong>and</strong> ftill beateupon th<strong>of</strong>e barres, with <strong>the</strong> hammer <strong>of</strong><strong>the</strong> Word,which kecpes <strong>the</strong>m from Christ, untill<strong>the</strong>Divellbedriven out <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>m. (Which you know,what a world <strong>of</strong> ungodly opp<strong>of</strong>ition, bedlam rage<strong>and</strong> railing it will raife againft afaithfull Minifter.)The luftice <strong>of</strong>Peace which refol vcs to be feriouj.<strong>and</strong> reall to doe his Countrcy good indeed, <strong>and</strong> todifcharge a good confcience undauntedly withoutall feare or fadion, <strong>and</strong> lookes upon blafphemers,drunkards,whore-mafters, railers againft Religion,&€• as <strong>the</strong> North winde upm rame,8cc:I fay fuch as <strong>the</strong>fc, <strong>and</strong> in a word, all who dealcuprightly, <strong>and</strong> rule in <strong>the</strong> feare <strong>of</strong> Go d , have need<strong>of</strong> a Rockc, againft <strong>the</strong> rage <strong>of</strong> all ungodly opp<strong>of</strong>itions.And fuch a Rocke will <strong>the</strong> God oilfiael beunto <strong>the</strong>mj all that fet againft <strong>the</strong>m, fhall fet <strong>the</strong>irflioulders againft a Rocke; all <strong>the</strong>ir cunning <strong>and</strong>cl<strong>of</strong>e pro)e(fts, <strong>and</strong> open bafe pra(f^ifcs <strong>of</strong> all prophaneopp<strong>of</strong>ites <strong>and</strong> underminers; <strong>the</strong> plaufible,politicke tyrannize <strong>of</strong> th<strong>of</strong>e that fitin<strong>the</strong> gate,<strong>the</strong> fcurrill, dunghill rimes <strong>and</strong> railings <strong>of</strong> deboift5^W drunken jefters; all that man or Di veil canany waies doc againft <strong>the</strong>m, ftiall all be but like fomany proud <strong>and</strong> fwciling wavcs,which daih <strong>the</strong>m-allTelvcs

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