Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...

Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ... Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...
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I^ -I ^ i^m— "*— • II> -I7ht fecondgoDd ground, in the Pcrfon, PafliDi, and promifesof Christ, will moft ccrtaincly, cfpeciallyin ftormy timesj and fuch trialls which fearch whithcrhebeftceletothebackeorno, manifeft andmakcplaine by his prac^ife, that in the height ofhis counterfeit courage, his heart did hold inearneftthatpeftilentprinciple^ It is betrer to fleepein a wholeskin, then with a good confcience. If hebe put unto it indeed, (for alas) hd heavenlyftrengthasyct,dothftcelehisrpirit,he will warpe,windc-ouc one way orother^and fhrinkc in the wetting.Againe, it is a caufeofgreat comfort,and matterof much joy to havca favourite to the higheft Majefty,and one whom God accepts gratioufly inhis Sonne, to fit ina high place, and beare fway o-vcr others. It is agoodly fight, right pleafing untoGod, applauded ofAngcIs, amiable and admirablein the eyes ofall good men. And thrice happyis that people, which breathes under the influenceof fuch a bleflcd Authority,and all thofe whoarc judged, ordered and over-ruled by him, be heeJudge, Juftice of Peace, Minifter or Magiftrate inany kind, whom G ® d owncs for his fervant,whoentered into his office. Benefice, Bifliopricke, orany other publickc employment, in Go d s Name,and not by bribery, fymony, fiatery, temporizing,or any other bafc and unblelTed meanest and afterwardin every palTagc of his place, aimes principallyat Go o s glory,and not at his owne particular^toadvance the Kingdomeof Christ and not hiskindred and outward cflate.And

Apfe Sermon, 45And it is tht better with them, and they arc themore bleflcd , befidcs many other> in thefc two refpeds.Firft, He that growes into familiarity withGod, by the favour ofJbsvs Christ 5 bcfidcsanuniverfali and impar^all integrity in the managingand difchargc ofthe particulars in his publikccalling, may comfortably, and with a good confcienceprcflcdaily to the Throne of grace, andbring down abundance of bIcflings,bothiipon himfclfe,andthofe that are under him. He doth notonely watch over his owne heart, but alfo wraftlcwith God continually by prayer, for himfelfe,that he may notdifparage thcMajeftie ofhis place,byanypcrfonalllightneffe, or make his perfon o-dious,by partiality in his publikc deportment; thathe may neither poyfon his people by any fcandalousexample, or plague them by private revengcjthat he neither IcfTen his Authority, or loofe goodmens love by fervingthe time, or fervileyeelding,or fwel over the banks ofpatience and moderation,with felf-will fowernes,and unfcafonablefcverity.In a word, that he may doe juft fo as G o d wouldhave him ; and therefore begs not onely generall a-bility, to weld aright the great body ofhis publickcharge, but alfo,fpcciall direfi:ion,and rcfolution inevery feverallaffeirc which paiTcth hishand, thatit be ever carried faire, and ncver^crookncd to hisowne ends: For his peoplcj that he may ever prcfcrrehis peoples fpirituall welfare, before thewealth ofthe whole world."Now, whether doe youthinke, were it morep z^3ppy,

Apfe Sermon, 45And it is tht better with <strong>the</strong>m, <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong>y arc <strong>the</strong>more bleflcd , befidcs many o<strong>the</strong>r> in <strong>the</strong>fc two refpeds.Firft, He that growes into familiarity withGod, by <strong>the</strong> favour <strong>of</strong>Jbsvs Christ 5 bcfidcsanuniverfali <strong>and</strong> impar^all integrity in <strong>the</strong> managing<strong>and</strong> difchargc <strong>of</strong><strong>the</strong> particulars in his publikccalling, may comfortably, <strong>and</strong> with a good confcienceprcflcdaily to <strong>the</strong> Throne <strong>of</strong> grace, <strong>and</strong>bring down abundance <strong>of</strong> bIcflings,bothiipon himfclfe,<strong>and</strong>th<strong>of</strong>e that are under him. He doth notonely watch over his owne heart, but alfo wraftlcwith God continually by prayer, for himfelfe,that he may notdifparage thcMajeftie <strong>of</strong>his place,byanypcrfonalllightneffe, or make his perfon o-dious,by partiality in his publikc deportment; tha<strong>the</strong> may nei<strong>the</strong>r poyfon his people by any fc<strong>and</strong>alousexample, or plague <strong>the</strong>m by private revengcjthat he nei<strong>the</strong>r IcfTen his Authority, or lo<strong>of</strong>e goodmens love by ferving<strong>the</strong> time, or fervileyeelding,or fwel over <strong>the</strong> banks <strong>of</strong>patience <strong>and</strong> moderation,with felf-will fowernes,<strong>and</strong> unfcafonablefcverity.In a word, that he may doe juft fo as G o d wouldhave him ; <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong>refore begs not onely generall a-bility, to weld aright <strong>the</strong> great body <strong>of</strong>his publickcharge, but alfo,fpcciall direfi:ion,<strong>and</strong> rcfolution inevery feverallaffeirc which paiTcth hish<strong>and</strong>, thatit be ever carried faire, <strong>and</strong> ncver^crookncd to hisowne ends: For his peoplcj that he may ever prcfcrrehis peoples fpirituall welfare, before <strong>the</strong>wealth <strong>of</strong><strong>the</strong> whole world."Now, whe<strong>the</strong>r doe youthinke, were it morep z^3ppy,

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