Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...

Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ... Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...
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L M2 The fecondNow I come to the next point, the lubje(5l ofSoveraignty, a righteous man, whence Ibiiefly,and plainely ground this point.V0cK 7hefe that rulefhculdbe righte^tu : or thus ; Menin Authority fheuU be righteom men.That you may underftand a right,what I meaneby righteous, take notice of a double rightcoulneffe,firft, imputed; fecond, inherent. Inherenttwo-fold,firft,morrall5 fecond,reIigious.By imputed, I meane the glorious juftice ofJesvs Christ, purchafed by his blood, andobedience, and imputed as his owne, molt fureforever to a truly humbled (inner, wherewithbeing richly and compleatly arrayed from top totoe, as with a Royall and everlafting Robe, heftands thereby acquit, juftified and accepted at theftridteft Tribunallof the ever-living God worldwithout end, and fo ij^jo facio, (as they fay) becomesever after a favourite to the mighty Lordof heaven and earth ; one of his jcwcls,as the appleofhis owne eye, the dearely beloved of his foule, aRoyall Diademcin his hand, (for fo are G o d sChildren,though vilified by the v7orld, yet ftiledin the Word.)This righteoufneifc is required in Rulers, andfuch as are placed above their brechrcn,to wit, thatthemfclvesbe reconciled unto God in JesvsChrist: For fenfe ofthis alone is able to begetthat right noble, aijd well-compofed temper ofthofc high and unfliakcn rcfolutions, whichfpirit,oncly are fit to make a Magiftrate, and create earthjygods,as Judges arc callcd> Ff4l,S2.i,6, Without

A fife Sermon,4^out this fight eoufncflTe, affuredly whatfocvcr fairepretexts and reprcfentations to the contrary,maydadeand deceive the worlds eye, yet all is rottenat the hcart-roote. And in the executions of theirthings fmoorhlyplaces, though they may carryand palliate with much art and policy, yet queftionkflc,in cafe of ft rong temptation, greatadvantage,rifing, and enriching themfclves, gratificationof fome great one,hazard oftemporal happines,(^cxhty will be exorbitant and yeelding,and at thebeft, but fofmall. The cry of that happy foule,which leanes, and hath taken up his tverlaftingrefting place,upon the rocke ofeternity ,is conftant,and ftill the fame in all cafes and caufes. Let right yt ^atjaftUia,bedone,and a good confcience difcharged, and ruote^iium.then come what come will. Let me not onelyloofe my place and the favour ofthe times, but leteven the heavens fall, and they will, all is one tome 5 by the mercy ofG o d 1 (hall ftand uprightunder the mines, and re|oyce in the teftimony of agood confciience, amidft the confufions both ofheaven and earth. But to fpeake in Scripture phrafc(for the other was the fpeech, even of an honeftHeathen.) Ever, when {landing on the better fide,and keeping a good confcience, threatneth dangerand difgrace^he growes into HeHers happy refolution:well, whatfocvcrcomesof me, I will takeGods part, and ifI perifh, I perifh.But not to pc-and foto perifh,isrifli fo,is to perifh everlaftingly :to be eternally faved.But now on the other fide, he which hath notmade his peace with Go D^nor hath any part uponGgood

L M2 The fecondNow I come to <strong>the</strong> next point, <strong>the</strong> lubje(5l <strong>of</strong>Soveraignty, a righteous man, whence Ibiiefly,<strong>and</strong> plainely ground this point.V0cK 7hefe that rulefhculdbe righte^tu : or thus ; Menin Authority fheuU be righteom men.That you may underft<strong>and</strong> a right,what I meaneby righteous, take notice <strong>of</strong> a double rightcoulneffe,firft, imputed; fecond, inherent. Inherenttwo-fold,firft,morrall5 fecond,reIigious.By imputed, I meane <strong>the</strong> glorious juftice <strong>of</strong>Jesvs Christ, purchafed by his blood, <strong>and</strong>obedience, <strong>and</strong> imputed as his owne, molt fureforever to a truly humbled (inner, wherewithbeing richly <strong>and</strong> compleatly arrayed from top totoe, as with a Royall <strong>and</strong> everlafting Robe, heft<strong>and</strong>s <strong>the</strong>reby acquit, juftified <strong>and</strong> accepted at <strong>the</strong>ftridteft Tribunall<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> ever-living God worldwithout end, <strong>and</strong> fo ij^jo facio, (as <strong>the</strong>y fay) becomesever after a favourite to <strong>the</strong> mighty Lord<strong>of</strong> heaven <strong>and</strong> earth ; one <strong>of</strong> his jcwcls,as <strong>the</strong> apple<strong>of</strong>his owne eye, <strong>the</strong> dearely beloved <strong>of</strong> his foule, aRoyall Diademcin his h<strong>and</strong>, (for fo are G o d sChildren,though vilified by <strong>the</strong> v7orld, yet ftiledin <strong>the</strong> Word.)This righteoufneifc is required in Rulers, <strong>and</strong>fuch as are placed above <strong>the</strong>ir brechrcn,to wit, that<strong>the</strong>mfclvesbe reconciled unto God in JesvsChrist: For fenfe <strong>of</strong>this alone is able to begetthat right noble, aijd well-comp<strong>of</strong>ed temper <strong>of</strong>th<strong>of</strong>c high <strong>and</strong> unfliakcn rcfolutions, whichfpirit,oncly are fit to make a Magiftrate, <strong>and</strong> create earthjygods,as Judges arc callcd> Ff4l,S2.i,6, Without

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