Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...

Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ... Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...
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24 K^n Apft Sermsn.cruelty that ever was perpetrated among the Cannibals,maypalTe hence-forth in the Chriftian world,for pure clemency and humanity.It is not enough for that man offin, and ftigmaticallftrumpet,to be drunk with the bloodjCfor fhe isfaid,5fx'.i7,4. and 6, both to be arrayed infcarlct>and to bee drunk with blood) of the dcareandprecious foules ofmany thoufands ofher own children,who being by her conceived, and broughtforth in fpirituall adultery, and after nurft up, andnuzled in ignorance and fuperftition^have lived anddied in Popifh darknefle. But fhe is alfo thick-cloathedwith the crimfon and crying blood of infiniteMartyrs of J £ s v s 5 nay, and now in her dotage, beinggrowne a deformed Hag, and left by moftofher lovers, flie labours to repaire the decaiedncficand ruine of her painted beauty with the richncfTcofherattyre, fothatflieisnot now content onelywith garments of bafer and inferiour die, but oflate,is new clad, even with a robe of blood Royall,deeptly, and double-dyed in the facrcd blood ofKings.Indifplayingthis whore in her bloody colours,I might tell youofthofe Seas of blood, which flieehath furioufly fpilt in her drunken humour, andpowred upon the face oi Europe, almoft all in ourremembrance.I might,I fay, enlarge thefe points, but I will atthis time onely hold me to the prefent, and^elivermyfelfcin a word.In the firft place that they kill Ki ngs 5it is clearein the eye crf'^U Chriftcndomc : I will go no furtherthen

K^n Apfe Sermon, 25then the prcfcnc age? and the frcfh bleeding memoryof fuch dolefull a^ts.Two of the laft Kings ofFrance, //e;?r)i the third and the fourth, fell fromtheir Iraperiall Thrones by the bloody knives oftwoPopifhvillanes.Stxtif^ the fifth excommunicated and depofedHenery xhcthnd^2.ndx\\cv lames Clement a JacobinSec mouIw^^^^^ o*" F-^ith,committed thathorrible Parricide upon his Royall Sg? aXVpperfon.loVenon^pug,^Ravillacke was the other Affafin, who rendred ^^"^-^B^-^thisreafon for his monftrous and horrible attempt.That King Henery had a defigne to warr with God,becaufehc had adefigne to take arraes againft hisHolinelTe, who is God.Now befides how greatly did they thirfl: after theVirgin blood ofthe late Priticely Elizakth, with aprodigious variety of murdejous complotments:hadnotthefilver line of her much honoured life,beene hid inthe cndlelTc maze of God ^ bottomc-\t{^Q mercy,thofe bloody Romifh hunters, had manyand many a time laid her honour in the duft.Nay,but for a miracle of the fame infinire mercy,they had torne King lames in pieces, his nobJcQueene, the Roy all limbes of thofe two fvyeet andorient Princes, and that Princely ftarre that nowfliines fo faire in Bchemta, by their powder-mine.There was no want at all of Popifli malice, purpofc,utmoft endeavour, to have fpilt all this Royallblood,a$ water upon the ground, and therefore,lalfot^ke allthefe noble Princes> as direA andproper Inftanccs for Popifh King-killing.Yca,but thofe (may feme fay) were but onely ob]e^*fome

24 K^n Apft Sermsn.cruelty that ever was perpetrated among <strong>the</strong> Cannibals,maypalTe hence-forth in <strong>the</strong> Chriftian world,for pure clemency <strong>and</strong> humanity.It is not enough for that man <strong>of</strong>fin, <strong>and</strong> ftigmaticallftrumpet,to be drunk with <strong>the</strong> bloodjCfor fhe isfaid,5fx'.i7,4. <strong>and</strong> 6, both to be arrayed infcarlct><strong>and</strong> to bee drunk with blood) <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> dcare<strong>and</strong>precious foules <strong>of</strong>many thouf<strong>and</strong>s <strong>of</strong>her own children,who being by her conceived, <strong>and</strong> broughtforth in fpirituall adultery, <strong>and</strong> after nurft up, <strong>and</strong>nuzled in ignorance <strong>and</strong> fuperftition^have lived <strong>and</strong>died in Popifh darknefle. But fhe is alfo thick-cloa<strong>the</strong>dwith <strong>the</strong> crimfon <strong>and</strong> crying blood <strong>of</strong> infiniteMartyrs <strong>of</strong> J £ s v s 5 nay, <strong>and</strong> now in her dotage, beinggrowne a deformed Hag, <strong>and</strong> left by m<strong>of</strong>t<strong>of</strong>her lovers, flie labours to repaire <strong>the</strong> decaiedncfic<strong>and</strong> ruine <strong>of</strong> her painted beauty with <strong>the</strong> richncfTc<strong>of</strong>herattyre, fothatflieisnot now content onelywith garments <strong>of</strong> bafer <strong>and</strong> inferiour die, but <strong>of</strong>late,is new clad, even with a robe <strong>of</strong> blood Royall,deeptly, <strong>and</strong> double-dyed in <strong>the</strong> facrcd blood <strong>of</strong>Kings.Indifplayingthis whore in her bloody colours,I might tell you<strong>of</strong>th<strong>of</strong>e Seas <strong>of</strong> blood, which flieehath furioufly fpilt in her drunken humour, <strong>and</strong>powred upon <strong>the</strong> face oi Europe, alm<strong>of</strong>t all in ourremembrance.I might,I fay, enlarge <strong>the</strong>fe points, but I will atthis time onely hold me to <strong>the</strong> prefent, <strong>and</strong>^elivermyfelfcin a word.In <strong>the</strong> firft place that <strong>the</strong>y kill Ki ngs 5it is clearein <strong>the</strong> eye crf'^U Chriftcndomc : I will go no fur<strong>the</strong>r<strong>the</strong>n

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