Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...

Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ... Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...
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J 6•TheLife and Veathvery angui(h offpirit.And to augment hisfpirituall tnifery, face was exercifcd withfowlc temptations , horribilia de Deo , terribi^w MdSdiia dcfide^ which Luther called Colaphum Sata-,n for as he was parallel! with Luther in ma^ny things ,as i fhalllhew anon^ :thefc fpirituallvehement upon Luther ^fo was he intemptations which were fothat the very venomeofihetn drankc up hisfpiriis , and hisbodyfeemcd dead,* VtneccalorynecfangiiiSynee fenfi^ , nee ^ox fupcreffet , th^z neitherfpecch/enfcjbloud or heat appealed in him,as lufias Jonas that was by and faw it,reportethofhim:but this Iharpc fit of Lutherlafted but for one day, but Mr. Boltons continuedfor many raoneths, but yet G o d gavehim at length a bleflcd iffuc , and thefe grievouspangs in his fpirituall birth producedtwo admirable cfFcds-in him (as well as inLuther ) which many times enfue upon fuchhard labour^ an invincible courage andrefolutionfor the caufeof God, in the whichhe feared no colours,nor the face or force ofany; fecondly, a Angular dexterity in comfortingaffli^ed and wounded fpirits ,"as(hall

e?/M^.BoJcona 17(hall bee likewife further (hewed.Vpon this hee refol ved to enter into the i o,• AIinifl:ery,and about the thirty fiftycare of ^^-^l"'"his age was ordained Minifter, after whichhe wholly applyedhimfelfetothcworkc ofthe Miniftery , and improoved all his learningand time to that excdlcnt end :A littlewhile after he was in the Miniftry^he was bymeanes madeknowne to Mr. luflicsNlcollsyat that x\mQ Serjeant at Lan> , who obfervingthecomelineflcofhisperfonand the ftufFethat was in him , had it alwayes in histhoughts to advance him ,and about thethirty feventh y eare of Mc. Boltons age , thepcrfonage oCBrou^btonia Northampton-fhirefalling void, hee did by my hand fend foirhim from the Vniverfity to his chamber atSerjeants Inne^ and prefentedhim to that living,at which time Dr:, late Bifliop ofLo«^(?» being then by accident at the ludgcschamber, thanked him for Mailer Boltottybut told him withal! , that hee had deprivedthe Vniverfity of a fingular Ornament;Then did hee put out his^which heedcdica=»

e?/M^.BoJcona 17(hall bee likewife fur<strong>the</strong>r (hewed.Vpon this hee refol ved to enter into <strong>the</strong> i o,• AIinifl:ery,<strong>and</strong> about <strong>the</strong> thirty fiftycare <strong>of</strong> ^^-^l"'"his age was ordained Minifter, after whichhe wholly applyedhimfelfetothcworkc <strong>of</strong><strong>the</strong> Miniftery , <strong>and</strong> improoved all his learning<strong>and</strong> time to that excdlcnt end :A littlewhile after he was in <strong>the</strong> Miniftry^he was bymeanes madeknowne to <strong>Mr</strong>. luflicsNlcollsyat that x\mQ Serjeant at Lan> , who obferving<strong>the</strong>comelineflc<strong>of</strong>hisperfon<strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong> ftufFethat was in him , had it alwayes in histhoughts to advance him ,<strong>and</strong> about <strong>the</strong>thirty feventh y eare <strong>of</strong> Mc. <strong>Boltons</strong> age , <strong>the</strong>pcrfonage oCBrou^btonia Northampton-fhirefalling void, hee did by my h<strong>and</strong> fend foirhim from <strong>the</strong> Vniverfity to his chamber atSerjeants Inne^ <strong>and</strong> prefentedhim to that living,at which time Dr:, late Bifliop <strong>of</strong>Lo«^(?» being <strong>the</strong>n by accident at <strong>the</strong> ludgcschamber, thanked him for Mailer Boltottybut told him withal! , that hee had deprived<strong>the</strong> Vniverfity <strong>of</strong> a fingular Ornament;Then did hee put out his<strong>of</strong>truehappmJp^which heedcdica=»

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