Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...

Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ... Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...
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8 i^ff Afifi Seymti^^by.Sccondly,then the Law of Nature. Thirdly,then the Law of Nations. Fourthly, then HumaneLawes. Thefirft,is^heclearc fountaine ofallcxcclIencies,order,andequity, as pure as G o d himfeUe: thefe Jaft paffing thorow the polluted channel!of mans braine, are capable of muddineffe, imperfedion,and infirmity. Who doubts then, butwhen we fpy thefe laft muddy ftreames to crofTethe current of divine Law, we muft have recourfeunto the well-^ head.Divine Lawes do binde the confciencc primarily,asthey fay, properly , and by themfelves. Godis the L o R D of the confcicnce, and onely abletodamneandfavethefoule, for the breaking orkeeping of his Lawes ; and therefore he alone hathan abfolute and foveraignc power to bindc theconfcience. If humane Lawes, even that are jtilf,doe any way binde, it is by the power and preceptofdivine Law. See Rom. j ? . i ,(^cA meane meerelyhumane. For that is falfe which Bellarmine hathpe laictSj Cap. 1 1, Par. ^.th^t every jufl: Civill Lav/,is either a conclufion or determination of the divine^orallL^vjJumus as all along in his Anlmaci'njerfiom, fo here, he hath alfo nobly conqueredand confounded him. And therefore as we wouldprefcrre the keeping of a good confcience, beforethe deeping in a whole skin, and the feare ofhim, which can aeftroy body and foule in hell fire,before him that can onely kill the body, let uscleave unto the Commandements of G o Dyagainftthe conrradi(aions ofthc whole world.Yet notwithftahdingthe mil^imploymcnt, andthe

Kji^ 'A&feStamm,the errour in the cxeicife of it. Authority \% il iMvenerable in the original!, nnd to be reputed cdscreature; elfe had Daniel newer fpoken thus toNebuchadnez^itr , an ungodly King and fcoarge^'^'^-*'j7.of Nations > Thott (0 King) an a King of ,Kings, for the G O D of Heaven hath given theea Kingdomc^ power , and flrength, and glory .And hence it is alfo, that K^tipin^ that renow- '^^G'^'^i^atened Father tells us, Hee that gave Sovereignty to^'^'^***Au^i\{iws^gave it a^fo to Nero. Hee that gav: ?>to theVQ^'p^Sxms, Father and Sonne, fweetefi Emperours,gave it alfo to Domitian that blotidy monfier.In a word (faith he) He that gave tt to ChriftianConftantine, ^^4T^tf7> alfo to Julian the K^pofiata.That infinite wifedome of G o p, which hath di^ftinguifhed his Angels by degrees 5 which hathgiven greater and lefTe light and beauty to heavenlybodies, which hath made difference betweencbeafts and birds,created the Eagle and the Flye,the Cedar and the fhrub, and among ftones, giventhe faireft tinifture to the Ruby, and thequickeft light to the Diamond, hath alfo ordainedKings, Dukes or Leaders o^ the people,MagiftrateSj Judges, and other degrees amongftmen.Secondly, Government is the prop and pill.?rof all States and Kingdomes, the cement andfouleof humane affaires, the life of fociety andorder, the very vitall fpirit whereby fo many millionsofmen, doe breath the life of comfort andpeaces and the whole nature ofthings fubfifl. Letthchcaitinamanfurccafc from the cxcrcife of itsprin-^t^foni^

8 i^ff Afifi Seymti^^by.Sccondly,<strong>the</strong>n <strong>the</strong> Law <strong>of</strong> Nature. Thirdly,<strong>the</strong>n <strong>the</strong> Law <strong>of</strong> Nations. Fourthly, <strong>the</strong>n HumaneLawes. Thefirft,is^heclearc fountaine <strong>of</strong>allcxcclIencies,order,<strong>and</strong>equity, as pure as G o d himfeUe: <strong>the</strong>fe Jaft paffing thorow <strong>the</strong> polluted channel!<strong>of</strong> mans braine, are capable <strong>of</strong> muddineffe, imperfedion,<strong>and</strong> infirmity. Who doubts <strong>the</strong>n, butwhen we fpy <strong>the</strong>fe laft muddy ftreames to cr<strong>of</strong>Te<strong>the</strong> current <strong>of</strong> divine Law, we muft have recourfeunto <strong>the</strong> well-^ head.Divine Lawes do binde <strong>the</strong> confciencc primarily,as<strong>the</strong>y fay, properly , <strong>and</strong> by <strong>the</strong>mfelves. Godis <strong>the</strong> L o R D <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> confcicnce, <strong>and</strong> onely abletodamne<strong>and</strong>fave<strong>the</strong>foule, for <strong>the</strong> breaking orkeeping <strong>of</strong> his Lawes ; <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong>refore he alone hathan abfolute <strong>and</strong> foveraignc power to bindc <strong>the</strong>confcience. If humane Lawes, even that are jtilf,doe any way binde, it is by <strong>the</strong> power <strong>and</strong> precept<strong>of</strong>divine Law. See Rom. j ? . i ,(^cA meane meerelyhumane. For that is falfe which Bellarmine hathpe laictSj Cap. 1 1, Par. ^.th^t every jufl: Civill Lav/,is ei<strong>the</strong>r a conclufion or determination <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> divine^orallL^vjJumus as all along in his Anlmaci'njerfiom, fo here, he hath alfo nobly conquered<strong>and</strong> confounded him. And <strong>the</strong>refore as we wouldprefcrre <strong>the</strong> keeping <strong>of</strong> a good confcience, before<strong>the</strong> deeping in a whole skin, <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong> feare <strong>of</strong>him, which can aeftroy body <strong>and</strong> foule in hell fire,before him that can onely kill <strong>the</strong> body, let uscleave unto <strong>the</strong> Comm<strong>and</strong>ements <strong>of</strong> G o Dyagainft<strong>the</strong> conrradi(aions <strong>of</strong>thc whole world.Yet notwithftahding<strong>the</strong> mil^imploymcnt, <strong>and</strong><strong>the</strong>

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