Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...

Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ... Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...
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See Ratvleighpage I ^ I.Sec whitesSermon atPauls Croffe,page 18,^ See Moulinesbook of Faith,SceUim alfoupon Pfal. 1x4fagejo^.i^n Apfe Sermon,ennobles the fubjedt wherein it re{ides,and is attendedwith fuchan excellent eflfcd, '.is a noble, gloriousand goodly thing. But Soveraignty50r Authorityexercifed (forfowefindcitinthe Text, andtherefore I call it government) is fuch and fo,therefore it is a goodly thing: my DodrineisiheconclufionofaCategoricall Syllogifine, whereinfomething in the Text is the medium-^ thereforefoundly colle(fted.I proceed to the Reafors.Firft reafon ; U receives the prime honour, andexcellency from Gods owne infticution. BymeeKings raignet and Princes decree luflice ; By mez^Princes rule and Nobles ^ even all the Judges of the^earth. Pro.S.i5,i5. ThereisnofowerhutofGo d.The powers that be are ordained ofG o DfRom,i^,i,"*Sothatitis Gods royall, and goodly creature.And ifit were vifibleto our bodily eyes, it wouldfarreout-fliinethefaircft, and moft gliftering Imperial!Crowne, thatever fate upon any C£farshead. It is fo foveraigne, and certainely fromG o D., that in cafe of Antinomy, that is, whenAuthority countermands where God hath commanded;wemufl refufethe will,but ftill reverencethe power of alawfuU M^^giftrate.Ifthefword ofSovcraignty, the exercife, andexecution ofpower be bent againft G o D,wemun:lay hold upon the Apoftles principle : Whether it beright in the fight of G o n to obey you rather then•G o i9^judge yee. And good reafon, G o d is aCreator, man a creature,andin his hands arc onelylife and death :but in G d s , Heaven and Hell.Be-

Kyln Afife Sermon.Benveene the Creator and creaturethere is noproportion, no comparifon. Phylofophy tells us,thatbetweene fomethingand nothing there is aninfinite diftance, the two ends,(if I might fpeakeofinfinite things,) ofwhich immeafurable diftancecan never be brought together, but by an infinitebeing. Nothing can produce fonriething of nothing,but an Almighty nature.And therefore asthere is an infinite diftance betweene fomethingand nothing, fo there mufc alfoneedsbcan immeafurabledifproportion betweene the Creatingpower, and that fomething created of nothing.And fo by confequence the excellency,power, bindingneffeand Sovcraignty ofthe CreatorsLaw niufl: needs furpaffe and tranfcend aboveall degrees of comparifon, and meafure of proportionthat ofthe creatures.You that are converfant in all p.irts of divine 2.learning, and all thofe that are employed in the incomparableworke of the Miniftery, ought to endeavourthereafter. For Minifters had never moreneed oflearning then at this day 5 confidering withwhat variety and ft rength the truth of Go d isoppofedonall fides, by Atheifme, by Popery, thasHydra of all herefics, and other braincleflc exoibitanciesabout matters of Religion.I fay thofe thatlooke into Cafuifts and Schoole Divines, knowhow many degrees and kinds of lawcs they make*Firft, There is the Law eternal!, refident in thepure, glorious,infinite mindc of God, wliich isthat order which God before all ages hath fetdowne withhimfelfc, for himfelfeto doe ^11 thingsB 5by.

See Ratvleighpage I ^ I.Sec whitesSermon atPauls Cr<strong>of</strong>fe,page 18,^ See Moulinesbook <strong>of</strong> Faith,SceUim alfoupon Pfal. 1x4fagejo^.i^n Apfe Sermon,ennobles <strong>the</strong> fubjedt wherein it re{ides,<strong>and</strong> is attendedwith fuchan excellent eflfcd, '.is a noble, glorious<strong>and</strong> goodly thing. But Soveraignty50r Authorityexercifed (forfowefindcitin<strong>the</strong> Text, <strong>and</strong><strong>the</strong>refore I call it government) is fuch <strong>and</strong> fo,<strong>the</strong>refore it is a goodly thing: my Dodrineisiheconclufion<strong>of</strong>aCategoricall Syllogifine, whereinfomething in <strong>the</strong> Text is <strong>the</strong> medium-^ <strong>the</strong>reforefoundly colle(fted.I proceed to <strong>the</strong> Reafors.Firft reafon ; U receives <strong>the</strong> prime honour, <strong>and</strong>excellency from Gods owne infticution. BymeeKings raignet <strong>and</strong> Princes decree luflice ; By mez^Princes rule <strong>and</strong> Nobles ^ even all <strong>the</strong> Judges <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>^earth. Pro.S.i5,i5. Thereisn<strong>of</strong>owerhut<strong>of</strong>Go d.The powers that be are ordained <strong>of</strong>G o DfRom,i^,i,"*Sothatitis Gods royall, <strong>and</strong> goodly creature.And ifit were vifibleto our bodily eyes, it wouldfarreout-fliine<strong>the</strong>faircft, <strong>and</strong> m<strong>of</strong>t gliftering Imperial!Crowne, thatever fate upon any C£farshead. It is fo foveraigne, <strong>and</strong> certainely fromG o D., that in cafe <strong>of</strong> Antinomy, that is, whenAuthority counterm<strong>and</strong>s where God hath comm<strong>and</strong>ed;wemufl refufe<strong>the</strong> will,but ftill reverence<strong>the</strong> power <strong>of</strong> alawfuU M^^giftrate.If<strong>the</strong>fword <strong>of</strong>Sovcraignty, <strong>the</strong> exercife, <strong>and</strong>execution <strong>of</strong>power be bent againft G o D,wemun:lay hold upon <strong>the</strong> Ap<strong>of</strong>tles principle : Whe<strong>the</strong>r it beright in <strong>the</strong> fight <strong>of</strong> G o n to obey you ra<strong>the</strong>r <strong>the</strong>n•G o i9^judge yee. And good reafon, G o d is aCreator, man a creature,<strong>and</strong>in his h<strong>and</strong>s arc onelylife <strong>and</strong> <strong>death</strong> :but in G d s , Heaven <strong>and</strong> Hell.Be-

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