Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...

Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...

Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...


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*^n Afife Serwm.inony, flattery, temporizing, bafe infinuations, <strong>and</strong>fuch viicmeanes;ButI hope this Gangren <strong>of</strong>goinginto <strong>of</strong>fices. Benefices, <strong>and</strong> high roomes by corruption'snot unhappily crept into this famous <strong>and</strong>flourilliing State ; which ifit ihould, it will eate f<strong>of</strong>arreinto <strong>the</strong> hearts <strong>and</strong> finevves <strong>of</strong><strong>the</strong> State, thatno wit <strong>of</strong>man can forefce, into what bafenefTe <strong>and</strong>degenerations this noble Kingdome would fall in<strong>the</strong> next age : It would be <strong>the</strong> caufe that manyvines,olive-trees,<strong>and</strong> fig-trees fliould wi<strong>the</strong>r awayin obfcurity, <strong>and</strong> brambles brave it abroad in <strong>the</strong>world,wallow <strong>and</strong> tumble <strong>the</strong>mfelves in <strong>the</strong> pleafures,fplendour, <strong>and</strong> glory <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> times. But \ttfuch alone,this is <strong>the</strong>ir day : When <strong>the</strong>y have bluftereda while like mighty <strong>and</strong> boy fterous winds,<strong>the</strong>y breath out into naught. Their breath is in<strong>the</strong>ir n<strong>of</strong>trils, flop but <strong>the</strong>ir n<strong>of</strong>e, <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong>y aredead. Their big words arc but as avainefoame,&c. If<strong>the</strong>y be not humbled in <strong>the</strong>ir place, <strong>and</strong> repent,<strong>and</strong> turnc <strong>the</strong> edge <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>ir fword <strong>the</strong> rightway, <strong>the</strong>re is a day comming upon <strong>the</strong>m, wherein<strong>the</strong>y fhall eate <strong>the</strong> fruit <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>ir owne way, <strong>and</strong> befilled with <strong>the</strong>ir owne devices.I have intimated now upon purp<strong>of</strong>ejwhich wayI would go upon this latter part <strong>of</strong>rhc vcrfc ; When<strong>the</strong> wicked heare ride <strong>the</strong> people mcuyne : BecaufeI fliall not be abk at this time to reach it with a fulldifceurfe, Ircturnc to <strong>the</strong> fifft branch, wherein Iwill reft.when t^e righteous are in Authority, <strong>the</strong> people rejoice.In <strong>the</strong>fe words vvc may behold Migiftracy,Authority, Sovcraigi^ty, like a precious DiamondBfct

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