Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...

Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ... Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...
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^6LA cafe.He having imparl liillydiicoveredthc horribleimpieties of the noble & rich men in thofc coi"-rupttimeSjtels them by the way,and it is iriy jad: apologyat this time./ ^«/( faith \\Q.)f}cakthusofany,^utortiyfuch as know theje things to betnthemjcives. iftbtitcOfikkncts bejree^ nothing that I f^ytends io their defbaragementanddifgrace: butifthq know themfelves to hegmlty, let them know alfoy that they ar::n(itmj words hut.their oxvne confitences which 'uexe them. A*d in anotherplace hus- Sith I/peake not theft tkngs ej all^ hut thofewho arefach^none ofyott ought to he angry at .ill which fin,dethnothimjelfto beotmoxtoti^-^leafl therby hemakehim^fel/efeeme,a^id be fufpe^c'dto be of the 'number ofihofe thaiare naught. Rather letjo many m being gudlle(je andtrulynobleyAbhorrefilch unworthy courfes , be angry with themwho disgrace the numc cfnobility by their bafc andw^ekedbehaviour ': becauje although others he much worfe andfcandaliz/dby them,y etc (feci ally they brnga gr-at d

A SERMON. 263penance ztPaals-Cro (feybut at the fame time I heardthat many of his rankc in the City laboui'd to have.him dif-knighted firft, before he fo pubhkely difgracedtheir Order. Me thinks all well-minded fhouldbe fo minded.2. The other is to my Lords the Judges. My reve- 'Dutks ofrend and noble Lords, give me leave to clothe the ^U'k"'thoughts ofthe Country in a word or two.We muchrejoyce in you,and bleite G o d for yoii,as men oftingular& known integrity, fpecial friendsiothe GofpellofjEsvsChr I sT,and a great honour and happinclTeto thefe parts, and heartily pray that wemiyhold you ftill : and therefore my intreaty unto yourLordfhips is, that you would couragioufly advanceforward,and do like your felves,& nobly ftill.Drawoiit your drcadfuU fwords againft the torrents of Belial,asl^4i//Vcalsthem,which even threaten a deluge;andbeyourfclvcsas mighty torrcnf^, armed bothwith juft and holy lawes,and the godly refoIu:ion ofyour own noble fpirits,to beareback,and beat downthe common, crying^and r:iigning fins ofour Country.In a word, be unto the opprefled& innocent as arefuge from the ftorme, but as a terrible tempeft uponthe face ofevery humane bead, and fon of Belial,And O that you could help us,that Gods people ^if^fi-^^^might not perifh fi-o/want ofbread : is it not a pitiful! ^'^^^"'thingjthat in fuch a deare yeare fpecially,it fhould bealmoft as hard a worke to get downe a wicked alehoufe,asto win Dunkerke ? That Maulfters fhouldfnatch(asitwere)the grainefrom the mouths ofthepoor in the market placc,to uphold thefe hel-houfcs,thefe nurcericsofthcDivell5thatMagiflrates fhouldbe fo unmerciful], j^s neither for Go d s fake, nor the

^6LA cafe.He having imparl liillydiicoveredthc horribleimpieties <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> noble & rich men in th<strong>of</strong>c coi"-rupttimeSjtels <strong>the</strong>m by <strong>the</strong> way,<strong>and</strong> it is iriy jad: apologyat this time./ ^«/( faith \\Q.)f}cakthus<strong>of</strong>any,^utortiyfuch as know <strong>the</strong>je <strong>things</strong> to betn<strong>the</strong>mjcives. iftbtitcOfikkncts bejree^ nothing that I f^ytends io <strong>the</strong>ir defbaragement<strong>and</strong>difgrace: butifthq know <strong>the</strong>mfelves to hegmlty, let <strong>the</strong>m know alfoy that <strong>the</strong>y ar::n(itmj words hut.<strong>the</strong>ir oxvne confitences which 'uexe <strong>the</strong>m. A*d in ano<strong>the</strong>rplace hus- Sith I/peake not <strong>the</strong>ft tkngs ej all^ hut th<strong>of</strong>ewho arefach^none <strong>of</strong>yott ought to he angry at .ill which fin,dethnothimjelfto beotmoxtoti^-^leafl <strong>the</strong>rby hemakehim^fel/efeeme,a^id be fufpe^c'dto be <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> 'number <strong>of</strong>ih<strong>of</strong>e thaiare naught. Ra<strong>the</strong>r letjo many m being gudlle(je <strong>and</strong>trulynobleyAbhorrefilch unworthy courfes , be angry with <strong>the</strong>mwho disgrace <strong>the</strong> numc cfnobility by <strong>the</strong>ir bafc <strong>and</strong>w^ekedbehaviour ': becauje although o<strong>the</strong>rs he much worfe <strong>and</strong>fc<strong>and</strong>aliz/dby <strong>the</strong>m,y etc (feci ally <strong>the</strong>y brnga gr-at d

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