Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...

Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...

Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...


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26oon whom <strong>the</strong>pmrfur"'A SERMON.lihood^or good name upon <strong>the</strong>ir own confciences^ci<strong>the</strong>rby acquitting <strong>the</strong> guiky, or hurraying <strong>the</strong> innocent.H§re(had I tiine)I would intimate unto you amyfticall, but tnifchievo'is packing fonecimes inchoice <strong>of</strong>jury-men. I have kcn{ I fpeak <strong>of</strong>that whichwas long{ince,<strong>and</strong> at a Seflfio is)romc <strong>of</strong><strong>the</strong> choiceftdrunkards in aCountrie ch<strong>of</strong>en for thac fervice.Nowis it not a pirifall thing that Country bufineffes fhouldbe put into <strong>the</strong> h<strong>and</strong>s <strong>of</strong> fuch as labour induftrioufly,<strong>and</strong> with equall cunning,to plague an honeft man^<strong>and</strong>deliver a drunkard.("^y ^q^^ ^i\ ^his while, we thus difcourfe untoJyoUjcarneftly endeavouringj<strong>and</strong> with a thirfty dcfireto doc you good, <strong>and</strong> dire(^ you aright, <strong>and</strong> by a divinerule in <strong>the</strong> feverall duties proper to your places,we do but plow in <strong>the</strong> rea,<strong>and</strong> fovv in <strong>the</strong> ayreCas <strong>the</strong>yfay)except<strong>the</strong>immortalireed<strong>of</strong><strong>the</strong>Word hath firftmoulded you anew,<strong>and</strong> ye be brought hj tkfooUfj)-nes cfpreaching out <strong>of</strong><strong>the</strong> waxm SunintoGoDs bleffing,<strong>and</strong>from <strong>the</strong> fools paradifc <strong>of</strong>worldly wifdomeinto <strong>the</strong> holy path <strong>of</strong>fincere pr<strong>of</strong>eilours, <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong>reuponprize <strong>and</strong> preferre <strong>the</strong> peace <strong>of</strong> a good confcicncebefore all <strong>the</strong> gold in <strong>the</strong>Weft,<strong>and</strong> prefermentsin<strong>the</strong> world 5 which bleflfcd change from nature tograce, is wrought by fuch ftirrings <strong>of</strong><strong>the</strong> foule, <strong>and</strong>foot-fteps<strong>of</strong><strong>the</strong>fpiritas<strong>the</strong>fe; lend me, I befeechyou, (while J parfe along <strong>the</strong>m)fomthing more thanordinary attention.-for J know <strong>the</strong>y wil fceme ftrange<strong>things</strong> to all fuch great ones as are intendedin rnyText, <strong>and</strong> th<strong>of</strong>e who live at reft in <strong>the</strong>ir p<strong>of</strong>Teflfions,<strong>and</strong> have nothing to vex <strong>the</strong>m. The naturall ftoutnes<strong>of</strong><strong>the</strong>ir fpirits will difdaine <strong>and</strong> fcorne to ftoope t<strong>of</strong>uch uncouth humiliauons, <strong>and</strong> this mighty change.

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