Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...

Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...

Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...


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A SERMON.2J5^(<strong>and</strong> It may be you entcreaine fome intelligenceforthatpurp<strong>of</strong>eto prevent <strong>the</strong> torture) you willnot, you dare not hearethcm for your hearts, exceptyou cannot decline it for ftarke fhamej or foratimeortwot<strong>of</strong>atisfieyourcuri<strong>of</strong>i ies: but as S..Paul faithjyou become <strong>the</strong>ir enemies>becaufe<strong>the</strong>ytell you <strong>the</strong> truth.to which truth not to have liftenedinthisday <strong>of</strong> your vifitation, will hereafter(when it is too late) torment yoamore <strong>the</strong>n tennethouf<strong>and</strong> fierie Scorpions ftings, <strong>and</strong> gnaw uponyour confcienccs with unknowne <strong>and</strong> everlaftinghorrour.Alas!Beloved,whatmeanc you^You wilgive your Phyfitiafl leave totel you <strong>the</strong> diftempers<strong>of</strong>yourbody : <strong>the</strong> Lawyer to difcovcr unto youany flaw in your deeds : your horfe-keeper to tellyou <strong>the</strong> furfets <strong>of</strong>your horfes: nay,your huntfman<strong>the</strong>furrances<strong>of</strong>yourdogs.'<strong>and</strong>fliall onely <strong>the</strong> Minifter<strong>of</strong>G o d not tell you that your foules are bleedingto eternall <strong>death</strong>sous incongtuitie !IfitPrep<strong>of</strong>tcrous <strong>and</strong> prodigi-be thus <strong>the</strong>n, that <strong>of</strong>all <strong>the</strong> feverall forts <strong>of</strong> ^^great men mentioned bcfore(by reafon that <strong>the</strong>y oigat 'ones toarebefct with fuch varierie <strong>of</strong>fnares, entangled in finve <strong>the</strong> more>'* **

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