Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...

Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...

Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...


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^252 A SERMON.youreftate^ Andyai^sfjufims Rule <strong>of</strong> abovetwelve harrdfed yecres {l<strong>and</strong>ing, <strong>and</strong> confirmedconcurrently by all Divines to this day> is. ThatJV(?;? telltturfeccatum nifireHittiatur ablatumi^^oxcftitution,no remilHon. And ourowne Church telsus in <strong>the</strong> fccond exhortation before <strong>the</strong> Communlon:Th:xtwithout read/ ftejfe to make refiitutiony <strong>and</strong>fatisfatfionfor wrongs done, <strong>the</strong> Sacrament as <strong>of</strong>tenas you come, doth nothwgclfc but increafe jour damnation.Thus might I pafTe through all <strong>the</strong> points <strong>of</strong>S<strong>and</strong>ification, <strong>and</strong> pafTages <strong>of</strong> holy life : And all<strong>the</strong> great men in <strong>the</strong> World, ei<strong>the</strong>r in Learning,Wealth, Nobility, or Wifcdome according tothc^would paflfe<strong>the</strong>feccnfures upon <strong>the</strong>m, <strong>and</strong>fleJJjycntertaine conceits <strong>of</strong><strong>the</strong>m proportionable to thatoiNicodemm about <strong>the</strong> New birih.They will notbecome fooles in <strong>the</strong> Ap<strong>of</strong>tles fenfe : And <strong>the</strong>refore<strong>the</strong>y are foakt, <strong>and</strong> faft fettered in <strong>the</strong> gall <strong>of</strong>bittcrnefle^<strong>and</strong> bond <strong>of</strong>iniquity 5 <strong>and</strong> that aboveordinaric.Gtzatmttan Thirdly, AUyegreatones<strong>of</strong><strong>the</strong>worldin <strong>the</strong>fouie-coufeners. fenfe ] have faid. As ye are very wife in your ownconceits,<strong>and</strong> it may be truly Co according to <strong>the</strong> flefh^fo you are fclfe-conceited <strong>and</strong> foule-coufeners a-bout your fpiriruall ftate. For you think e all better<strong>the</strong>n you, too precife, <strong>and</strong> all worfe <strong>the</strong>n youtoo prophanej <strong>and</strong> your felves onely to have happilyhi: upon <strong>the</strong> golden meane, <strong>and</strong> pitch'd uponthat well tempered moderation in ReIigion,wberbyyou may enjoy temporall happineffe here, <strong>and</strong>cternall hereafter. Sleepema whole skime (as <strong>the</strong>yfay)

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