Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...

Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...

Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...


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A SERMON. 249my part^that upon<strong>the</strong>LoR d sDayitvearetorecreatecuyphes mly with (}irituAll delights : onely <strong>the</strong>n toplie divine bufinefres,<strong>and</strong> to do th<strong>of</strong>e <strong>things</strong> alonewhich belong to ourfoules falvaticn. Heare <strong>the</strong>irowne words.We ought upon that T>z.y^Solummodo [prnttulihtisgaudijs rcplcri. Concilium Parifienfe. {^nno82P.Tantumdi'vinis cultibm ferviamus. Auguft. deTemp.Serm.2 5 i»5tf// divino cultui vacemm. IdemIbid.^£a^ tantufnfaciat qu£ ad amm£ falutcmfertinent,Hieron.in Cap.56.ira.Nay <strong>the</strong> whole Church <strong>of</strong> -E«f /Whath this 60yeeres <strong>and</strong> above complied exaSly with antiquitiein this point in <strong>the</strong> Horn, $f <strong>the</strong>f lace /tnd time <strong>of</strong>frayer :Thefe are <strong>the</strong> words, G oD S peoplefietf/dnfe<strong>the</strong> Sunda-^ holtly, <strong>and</strong> re si from <strong>the</strong>ir common <strong>and</strong>daily hufnejfe:<strong>and</strong> alfogive <strong>the</strong>mfelves wholly te heavenlyexercifes <strong>of</strong> GODS true religion <strong>and</strong>fervicc^*And yet for all this, you are fo wife in your owneconceipts; ye will none <strong>of</strong> this faving folly, youarc no fuch foolesjas after fo long libertie to fall taany fuch" ftri^ntife.Secondly,fupp<strong>of</strong>eaMini{ierfhouldcouniellyou semont tok&^^^^^"^'^^ °"'whenyou come home from <strong>the</strong>houfe <strong>of</strong>G o D,totake your Bibles,<strong>and</strong> calbcth your wives <strong>and</strong> childrento <strong>the</strong> comparing toge<strong>the</strong>r, <strong>and</strong> conferringupon <strong>the</strong>fe thiiigs which were taught : That <strong>the</strong>husb<strong>and</strong> (lioukl cxad <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> v/ife, <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong> wife ask<strong>of</strong><strong>the</strong> hufb<strong>and</strong> th<strong>of</strong>e <strong>things</strong> that were <strong>the</strong>re fpoken3nd read,or at Icaft fome<strong>of</strong><strong>the</strong>mrThatyou fhouldfee

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