Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...

Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...

Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...


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24? A SERMON.or mif-imployment whatfoever : but fpend thatwhole blefTed Daie,wholly <strong>and</strong>onely in fpirituallrefre(liing,hcavenly bufineiTesjdivine worfhip <strong>and</strong>holy duties :in meditation upon <strong>the</strong> creatures fpiritually,upon<strong>the</strong> great <strong>worke</strong> <strong>of</strong> Redemption <strong>and</strong>Refurrec^ion <strong>of</strong>C h r i s t: <strong>and</strong> upon tha-r everlaftingreft above: <strong>of</strong>all which <strong>the</strong> Chriftian Sabbathis a remembrancer unto us, in both publike<strong>and</strong> private praier, reading, finging <strong>of</strong> Plalmes,hearing Sermons, confcrcncc.e^^. <strong>and</strong> inruminating?<strong>and</strong> (as it were) chewing <strong>the</strong> cud upon Scripturepoints. I {zy-rttminatc {a^s it were) <strong>and</strong>chew <strong>the</strong>cud: fov jit is <strong>the</strong> very phrafe <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Church oiEngl<strong>and</strong>in <strong>the</strong> Homily for reading Scrtpures, Andth<strong>of</strong>e reverend <strong>and</strong> godly men which compcfed<strong>the</strong>m, expreflfe <strong>the</strong> benefit <strong>the</strong>re<strong>of</strong> emphaticallyThus run <strong>the</strong> words^ Let m ruminate (<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Scriptures{c,^that we may have <strong>the</strong>fweetjuyce^Jpir/tualleffect, marrowjh^njy kernell^ tafie, comfort^<strong>and</strong> conjO"lati&n <strong>of</strong> tkem. I fay,fupp<strong>of</strong>e ye were thus preft,would ye not prefently out <strong>of</strong> your worldly wifedome<strong>and</strong> impatiencie fo be fo fnafH'd at>to be tiedal <strong>the</strong> daie to fpiritual exercires,<strong>and</strong> reftraind fromordinarie recreations,conceive <strong>of</strong> it,<strong>and</strong> crie out a-gainft it as a puritanicall noveltie, <strong>and</strong> fooliili precifeneffe^Becaufe you mention precifcnes<strong>and</strong>noveltiejcouId(as I am wont,<strong>and</strong> to makeyou withoutexcufe) appeale unto, <strong>and</strong> implore <strong>the</strong> aid <strong>of</strong>antiquitie,which will utterly take <strong>of</strong>ffuch afperfions.And here (were it incident <strong>and</strong> feafonable) Iwere able to procure Counccls <strong>and</strong> Fa<strong>the</strong>rs:,<strong>and</strong> o-<strong>the</strong>r authorities concurrently to teftiiie <strong>and</strong> takemyail

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