Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...

Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...

Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...


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A SERMON. 119many ci<strong>the</strong>r by defperate pradifes or <strong>the</strong>ir owncviolent h<strong>and</strong>s have brought <strong>the</strong>mfelves to untimelyends,bccaufe <strong>the</strong>y were impatient <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> lowerplaces <strong>the</strong>y had formerly enjoyed, i^chitophel,when he was like to lo<strong>of</strong>e<strong>the</strong> reputation <strong>and</strong> rankecfa Privy Counfellor,fadled his AflTejWcnt home,put his houfe in ordcr,<strong>and</strong> hanged himfclfe.Howmany daily run great hazards, to domineere for awhile in <strong>the</strong>ir undeferved dignities f And prepareagainftthc day <strong>of</strong> wrath, by an unconfcionablepurchafing<strong>of</strong>higheftroomesamongft <strong>the</strong> fons <strong>of</strong>menifLaftly, it is uncapable <strong>of</strong>fociety,<strong>and</strong> fnarpenedby <strong>the</strong> injoy ment <strong>of</strong>that it defireth . Give roometo Cdfar, <strong>and</strong> hce'l ambitioufly purfue <strong>the</strong> Sovcraignty<strong>of</strong><strong>the</strong> whole world : Let ^^lex<strong>and</strong>er conquer<strong>the</strong> whole world, he'l aske for mocjiet th<strong>of</strong>ebe fubduedshe would climbe towards <strong>the</strong> ftarres,ifhe could afpire thi<strong>the</strong>r, he would peepe beyondFcr <strong>the</strong> froud <strong>and</strong> dmhitiot^ man en-<strong>the</strong> heavens.largeth his defire like hell^<strong>and</strong>is as <strong>death</strong>.<strong>and</strong> cannot hejQ?Af/^^;C^^.//4^.2.5.Who can fill <strong>the</strong> bottomlelTegulfe <strong>of</strong>helljor ftop <strong>the</strong> infatiable jawes <strong>of</strong><strong>death</strong> fnei<strong>the</strong>r can <strong>the</strong> greedy humour <strong>of</strong> a haughty fpiriCbe fatisficd.Letaconfidcration<strong>of</strong>that Crowne <strong>of</strong>endlefle^^^'l^onmuidHsavenacoun*joy <strong>and</strong> glory,which <strong>the</strong> Chriftiart hath in purfuir^beuntohimacountcrpoyfonto uphold his heart '*^^'"**-in comfort <strong>and</strong> contentment againft <strong>the</strong> vanity<strong>and</strong> venome <strong>of</strong> fuch endlefle ambitions ; <strong>and</strong> ifmen be fo infinitely vcntrous for an earthly crown,which (asoriefayes)if we well weighed with0^5what^er-poyfonto

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