Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...

Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...

Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...


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22^A SERMON.And <strong>the</strong>refore Icaft he fhould waxSat nmhmenwe^ry <strong>of</strong> hisinfatiabkinfm way to hell,hc failes not by a fecrct accurfed influenceto fill his finfull heart, with an unquenchablethirfl after pleafures<strong>of</strong><strong>the</strong> earth. And he doth notonly put this unfatiablethirft into <strong>the</strong> foule <strong>of</strong>a car-^ nail man ; but alfo by his jugling <strong>and</strong> art <strong>of</strong> imp<strong>of</strong>lure^heguilds over fenfual objeds with lying gloryj<strong>and</strong> a deceitfuU luftre,<strong>and</strong> puts a violcnt,ftronginticing power into worldly vanities^thatthcy maycontinually feed his greedy appetite withfreili fucceflion,<strong>and</strong> an endlefTe variety <strong>of</strong> fenfuall fweetnefTes.Satan himfclfe is infinite in malice againft<strong>the</strong> majefty <strong>of</strong>G o d . He drinkes up fin, <strong>and</strong> devouresiniquity with as infatiable grecdincfTe, asBehemothxhtnytt lordan,MOf all th<strong>of</strong>e huge mountaines, <strong>the</strong> numberlefleSatan hath lish<strong>and</strong> imvery number,<strong>and</strong>purplc feas <strong>of</strong>fins <strong>and</strong> tranfgrcflions,which have at any time, any where, by any creaturebeen committed fince himfelfe firf<strong>the</strong>aven unto this houre,or fhall be from <strong>the</strong>nce un-fell fromtill <strong>the</strong> day <strong>of</strong>doomCjOr from <strong>the</strong>nce everlaftinglyin hell,by bannings,curfings,<strong>and</strong> defpairsamongftth<strong>of</strong>e damned fiends r I fay, <strong>of</strong>all <strong>the</strong>fe fins Satanis guilty one way or o<strong>the</strong>n<strong>and</strong> ifhe might have hiswilljhe hath malice enough to make an infinite additionbojih in number <strong>and</strong> hainoufnefiTe. Whereonefint>^is committed, he wiflieth <strong>the</strong>re were tenthouf<strong>and</strong>.He would have every finfull thought bea firi <strong>of</strong> Sodomy: every idle word adefperateblafphemy^everyangry lookja bloudy mui<strong>the</strong>r,everyfrailty,a ciying fin : every default, a damnable rebellion.Now as Satan himfelfe is thus infinite <strong>and</strong>infati-i

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