Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...

Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ... Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...
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222 ASERMON.,The hard hear-burden of finne, which preft downc a gloriousAngell of light and all his followers from the topof Heaven into that loweft pit, with the fullweight ofthe unquenchable and everlafting wrathofG o D 3 with all the heavy chaines ofthat infernaillake 5 and with that which ( meethinkes ) isfarrc worfe and more cutting than many hels, thanten thoufand damnations, even with defpaire ofeverhaving eafe, end or remedy ofchofe moft bitter,everlafting, intoUerable hellifh torments : Ifay,though a damned foulebe thus laden,and thusheavily preft downe with all this curfed weight,and hainoufnefTe ofHell ;yet he is ftill as hard as aftone.So certain it is,that no curfe,or created pow- .cr,nor the fofteft eloquence or fevereft courfe,not the weight ofthe whole world or the heavinesof hell; if all were preft and laid upon the heart ofa man; could poflibly breake that ftubbornefTe, ortame that rebellion. This is onely the workeofthebleffed Spirit with the hammer of theWord.Thls hardncfTe of heart had attained a ftrangctedaejfe of man height evcn in the worlds infancydnto what a prof-mhujaU,Jigious rocke is that growne now then by lengthby invention ofnew finnes,of time,info many ages,fith every generation finceand addition of hainoufnefTeunto the old, have every one addedthereunto a feverall iron finew, and a further degreeofflintincflfe.iT^t. What a heart was got into Cdins brcaft,whowasfirftcut out of the ftony rocke of corrupcman-kind 5 remorfcof itcdding the guiltile/Tc

A SERMON. 223lefTe blood of his murthcrcd brother, which wasable to have n^elted an adamant into bloodyteares, mooved hi«i never a whit. Nay,the prcfenceofAlmighty Go d, at which the earth pral.114.7.trembles J the hiUs melt like wax,wh:chturneththc^rockeintowater-pcleSi an^theflintintoafeuntahieofJv^^^(asI>4^'/i^pcakes)yet made his ftony heartNay, yet further, Godsrelent never a whir.mighty voyce immediately from his own mouth,which hreakes the Cedarsiandjhakes the wilderHejfe^ywhich was able with one word even in a momenttoturnethc whole World into nothing, and thefonnes ofmen as though they had never beene;'yet (I fay) this power full and mighty voyce didnotatallamazeor moUifie the unrelenting ftubborneneffeofthis bloudy wretch : but in a ftrangcdogged fa(hion he anfwers God Almighty even^1"^'*%"^'^ 'to His face. For, when Go d mildly and fairelyasked him what was become of his brother ^be\he anfwered, / cannot tell : Nay, further, asthough hee had bid God goe looke, hec faith,K^m Imj brothers keener ? Where take this noteby the way 5 Let not Chriftians think much to re- Gen.4.^.•ceive dogged anfwers and difdainfull fpeechcsfrom prophane men : you fee how doggedly thisfellow anfwers even God Almighty: TheDjfcipleis not above his Majter,nffr thefervant above his Lord:It is enoughfor the Bifcifle to be as the Majter and thefirvant as hisLor d:if they have called the M afterof thehoufe BeelzebubJjow much more them ofhis houfijold j*"iU^r^Mo. 24,25. »t L I JWhataftrangcftonyhcartlodged in the brcaft f/^**^'^^*of

222 ASERMON.,The hard hear-burden <strong>of</strong> finne, which preft downc a gloriousAngell <strong>of</strong> light <strong>and</strong> all his followers from <strong>the</strong> top<strong>of</strong> Heaven into that loweft pit, with <strong>the</strong> fullweight <strong>of</strong><strong>the</strong> unquenchable <strong>and</strong> everlafting wrath<strong>of</strong>G o D 3 with all <strong>the</strong> heavy chaines <strong>of</strong>that infernaillake 5 <strong>and</strong> with that which ( meethinkes ) isfarrc worfe <strong>and</strong> more cutting than many hels, thanten thouf<strong>and</strong> damnations, even with defpaire <strong>of</strong>everhaving eafe, end or remedy <strong>of</strong>ch<strong>of</strong>e m<strong>of</strong>t bitter,everlafting, intoUerable hellifh torments : Ifay,though a damned foulebe thus laden,<strong>and</strong> thusheavily preft downe with all this curfed weight,<strong>and</strong> hainoufnefTe <strong>of</strong>Hell ;yet he is ftill as hard as aftone.So certain it is,that no curfe,or created pow- .cr,nor <strong>the</strong> f<strong>of</strong>teft eloquence or fevereft courfe,not <strong>the</strong> weight <strong>of</strong><strong>the</strong> whole world or <strong>the</strong> heavines<strong>of</strong> hell; if all were preft <strong>and</strong> laid upon <strong>the</strong> heart <strong>of</strong>a man; could p<strong>of</strong>libly breake that ftubbornefTe, ortame that rebellion. This is onely <strong>the</strong> <strong>worke</strong><strong>of</strong><strong>the</strong>bleffed Spirit with <strong>the</strong> hammer <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>Word.Thls hardncfTe <strong>of</strong> heart had attained a ftrangctedaejfe <strong>of</strong> man height evcn in <strong>the</strong> worlds infancydnto what a pr<strong>of</strong>-mhujaU,Jigious rocke is that growne now <strong>the</strong>n by lengthby invention <strong>of</strong>new finnes,<strong>of</strong> time,info many ages,fith every generation fince<strong>and</strong> addition <strong>of</strong> hainoufnefTeunto <strong>the</strong> old, have every one added<strong>the</strong>reunto a feverall iron finew, <strong>and</strong> a fur<strong>the</strong>r degree<strong>of</strong>flintincflfe.iT^t. What a heart was got into Cdins brcaft,whowasfirftcut out <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> ftony rocke <strong>of</strong> corrupcman-kind 5 remorfc<strong>of</strong> itcdding <strong>the</strong> guiltile/Tc

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