Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...

Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ... Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...
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'220 A is meant, not ( as fome take it )but oFtheir forrowes.of their fins,But all the blowes and preffureswere fo farre from fofcning their hearts, thatthey hardened and emmarbled them more andmore.whenforeiMihihc Pvophei)J])OuUje hefinitetenanj moye^feryefallawaj more and morz^?chnfissermont What Created power can poffibly have morelittle toTou^htpower upon the foules ofmen, than the facred Scr-«,i the imes,^^^^ ofthe Son ofG o D , whojpake as never mmJpake And yet .?i hefe deare intreatics and meltinginvitations which fvvcerly & tenderly flow'd fromthat heart,which was refolved to fpil that warmcft& inmoft bloud for their fakcs,moved thofefliffenecked]ewes ncvct ^jov.lerufalemjlentfdlew, faithhcjtvhkl kiHesftk Prophets,^c.Mat,2^,'^'j, Ifaiahthat noble Prophet, whofe matchleffe eloquencefurpaflfeththe capacity ofthe largeft created underflanding;and to which the powcrfull eleganciesofprophane writers is pure barbarifme,fhed manyana many a gracious and golden fhower of fofteftand fweeteft eloquence upon a finfull nation andrebellious people,which was fruitlefly and vainlyfpilt as water upon the ground, or loft upon thehardeft flint : many a piercing and powerfull Sermonhad heefpentamongfl: them to the waftingof his ftrength and fpirits 3 which yet was to themas an idle and empty breath,thing,and fcatter'd in the ayre. The Lord (as Hefayes Himfelfe)madc his mouth as a (harpe fword,and Himfelfeasa chofcn fhaft 5 and yet that two-vanifliing into no-Cap.40.4.edged fword was full often blunted upon theirhardeft hearts, and his kccnc arrowcs difchargedby

A SERMON. 221by a skilfull handjfcbounded from their flinty bofomcs,asfhaftsflioragainftaftonewal].And thatmade that Seraphicall Oratourjthe unmatched Paragonoffacred eloquence, thus to cowphincj/ay^^j,/!^.! have laboured in vaine^ I have J^em myftrengthin vaineidndfor nothing.A courfc ofextraordinary fevcrity and terrour pharaohhard^was taken with Pharach-^ he was not only chaftifed «f^ oihtm.wi' h rods,but even fcourged with Scorpions ; andyet all the plagues ofJEgypt were fo far from piercingand foftning his hard hearr^asthar every particularplague added a feveral iron fincw^and moreflintincs to his already ftony heart. And as the heartis naturally thus hardened towards godlineffe, foalfo hollow towards the godly: See Sauls carriagetowards David, No materiall weight can morecrufli the heart ofman, than braying in a morter 5and yet faith Salomon, Prov. 27.22. Though thewjheuldefi bray afcok.z defperste finner, a rebelliouswretch, in a mcrter amongjl wheat braced with a pe^ftfl:>jct will not hiifoolijlmes J:\is finfullnes,whicn isxhcgx^dXcik^departfrcmhim^no more than the skinnefrom the Blacke^morCiCr thef^otsjrom the Leopard byrvaf])inghim.Shame an old obftinate beaten finner with hishorrible ingratitude^ (how him the ugly face of hishainousfins, tell himofthelofTeofthehappinefleofHeavensaffright him with the feare of hell anddamnation : in all this hee is like a Smiths anvillthat growes harder and harder for all his hammering.Laftlyja dam.ned fpirit,though he lye in theIdwcft dungeon of utter darkncflfe, laden with t hatburdcaNothing moves^«« ^^'"^ *f«'''«

'220 A is meant, not ( as fome take it )but oF<strong>the</strong>ir forrowes.<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>ir fins,But all <strong>the</strong> blowes <strong>and</strong> preffureswere fo farre from f<strong>of</strong>cning <strong>the</strong>ir hearts, that<strong>the</strong>y hardened <strong>and</strong> emmarbled <strong>the</strong>m more <strong>and</strong>more.whenforeiMihihc Pvophei)J])OuUje hefinitetenanj moye^feryefallawaj more <strong>and</strong> morz^?chnfissermont What Created power can p<strong>of</strong>fibly have morelittle toTou^htpower upon <strong>the</strong> foules <strong>of</strong>men, than <strong>the</strong> facred Scr-«,i <strong>the</strong> imes,^^^^ <strong>of</strong><strong>the</strong> Son <strong>of</strong>G o D , whojpake as never mmJpake And yet .?i hefe deare intreatics <strong>and</strong> meltinginvitations which fvvcerly & tenderly flow'd fromthat heart,which was refolved to fpil that warmcft& inm<strong>of</strong>t bloud for <strong>the</strong>ir fakcs,moved th<strong>of</strong>efliffenecked]ewes ncvct ^jov.lerufalemjlentfdlew, faithhcjtvhkl kiHesftk Prophets,^c.Mat,2^,'^'j, Ifaiahthat noble Prophet, wh<strong>of</strong>e matchleffe eloquencefurpaflfeth<strong>the</strong> capacity <strong>of</strong><strong>the</strong> largeft created underfl<strong>and</strong>ing;<strong>and</strong> to which <strong>the</strong> powcrfull elegancies<strong>of</strong>prophane writers is pure barbarifme,fhed manyana many a gracious <strong>and</strong> golden fhower <strong>of</strong> f<strong>of</strong>teft<strong>and</strong> fweeteft eloquence upon a finfull nation <strong>and</strong>rebellious people,which was fruitlefly <strong>and</strong> vainlyfpilt as water upon <strong>the</strong> ground, or l<strong>of</strong>t upon <strong>the</strong>hardeft flint : many a piercing <strong>and</strong> powerfull Sermonhad heefpentamongfl: <strong>the</strong>m to <strong>the</strong> wafting<strong>of</strong> his ftrength <strong>and</strong> fpirits 3 which yet was to <strong>the</strong>mas an idle <strong>and</strong> empty breath,thing,<strong>and</strong> fcatter'd in <strong>the</strong> ayre. The Lord (as Hefayes Himfelfe)madc his mouth as a (harpe fword,<strong>and</strong> Himfelfeasa ch<strong>of</strong>cn fhaft 5 <strong>and</strong> yet that two-vanifliing into no-Cap.40.4.edged fword was full <strong>of</strong>ten blunted upon <strong>the</strong>irhardeft hearts, <strong>and</strong> his kccnc arrowcs difchargedby

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