Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...

Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ... Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...
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''214 A SERMON.Nobility greaterorleJfe^Cap.SttpernaturaUNobility,ofgrace and fpirituall excellencies are luppofedby fome kind of men to be in others, efpecially , ifthey be of lower rank and Icfle account for worldlywifedome than himfelfe, to be nothing but onlyoutward fhewes, pretences and hy pocrifics : heisfurnifliedin his owne conceipr with a compe-*tency,ifnot an extraordinary fiifficiency of naturalland morall endowments : and he never felt eitherthe power ofgrace,neither can pofifibly feeor acknowledge thofe holy operations in others:and therefore hee cannot be perfwadcd, but he isfully as good as the precifeft of them ( for that'sthe language ofprophanenefTe againft grace) andthat there is no worth worth naming, or any truereall goodnefle in thofe they now call Chriftians,over and befides that which hee iindeth in himfelfe.5. Concerning greatneffe ofnobilityjunderftandthat by Nobles I meane both the greater and leflcNobility,according to T>.Smiths diftindion in hisCommoji-r^ealeofEn g l a n d. Andthis doubleNobility is ofdiverfe forts, i. Perfonall, 2. Bydefcent.6, There isyet another Nobility, whichis Divineand fupernaturall in regard whereof all o*ther kindes whatfoever are but fliadowes andlliapes of Noblemfle.Here God istopof thekin,and Religion is the root. Thefe arc truly and theonely Noble indeed, and fo accounted by KingD^-y/^/, though of no account in theWorld at alLHow rarely is the glorious Image of the LordJ E s V s (which oncly creates this cxcellencie)feene

A SERMON. '215feenefhine in their foulesj or fhew forth it felfeintheir holy canverfation, who glider in outwardglory, and are lifted up above others by eniinencyof Noble birth, orindulgence ofhighell favours.Such Noblemen and Gentlemen are black fwans,and thinly fcatter'd in the firmament ofa State, e-ven like ftars ofthe firft magnitude. For,faith myText, Net mmj Nohl^^^ Sec,And that no maivell, for many reafons. And ^HfJeducated.yet I Vv^ill not heere trouble youJn telling how miierablyand extreamely ill thofe who bee betterborne are ordinarily educated. Alas,they arc toooften brought up in ignorance

A SERMON. '215feenefhine in <strong>the</strong>ir foulesj or fhew forth it felfein<strong>the</strong>ir holy canverfation, who glider in outwardglory, <strong>and</strong> are lifted up above o<strong>the</strong>rs by eniinency<strong>of</strong> Noble birth, orindulgence <strong>of</strong>highell favours.Such Noblemen <strong>and</strong> Gentlemen are black fwans,<strong>and</strong> thinly fcatter'd in <strong>the</strong> firmament <strong>of</strong>a State, e-ven like ftars <strong>of</strong><strong>the</strong> firft magnitude. For,faith myText, Net mmj Nohl^^^ Sec,And that no maivell, for many reafons. And ^HfJeducated.yet I Vv^ill not heere trouble youJn telling how miierably<strong>and</strong> extreamely ill th<strong>of</strong>e who bee betterborne are ordinarily educated. Alas,<strong>the</strong>y arc too<strong>of</strong>ten brought up in ignorance

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