Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...

Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ... Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...
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210 A SERMON.inftmmcnts of light, hcc cannot polTibly beholdand gaze upon with delight the goodlineffe andglory ofthis great frame ofthe world about him :he cannot fee the brightnefTc ofthe Sun, the beau-•wty ofthe earth, and the dclightfome variety of thecreatures : fo a worldly-wife man though hee beenever fo gracefull for his other parts, never fo admirableto carnall eyes, or mightily magnified byhis flatterers or favourites: yet wanting the favingfight of G o p s fandlifying Spirit, and the eye offpirituall undcrftanding,is ftarke blind infpirituallmatters, and cannot poffibly behold the rich Paradifeofthekingdome ofgrace,thcfecrcts ofSan-£l:ification,and the incomparable glory and excellencyof Chriftianity.This wifdome ofthe flcfbferves the worldling ( liketheOftrich wings ) tomake him to out-run others upon the earth and inearthly things 5 but can help him never a whic towardsheaven : nay, is rather like a heavic millftoneabout his neck,to make him finke deeper intothe bottomleffe pit of hell.The rcafon why thefe great politicians and joFlijgeVidfimly wife men ofthe world (as th^y are called) forvporidiivgi. all theif depths and devices, with all their wit andwindings, cannot underftand one title ofthethings of G o d, is, becaufethis fpirituall knowledgeis hid from them. For fo faith our SaviourChrist, Map. 11.25. Igf've thee thankes o FatherLord ofHeaven and Earth, hecmfethou haft hidthefe thingsfromthe wife and men $f underfandtng,,gndhafirevealidthilnuntohahes. And this reafonour Saviour rcndretb why hcc fpakc to worldlings

A SERMON. 211lings in parabks and to his Difciples plaincly>he-€aufetothefe itwasgiijen to kmw thefecretsofth^^kingdome ofheavenM^ to them it was not given. Andindeed it is juft with G o D,;Chat,i.Sith they when the glorious Sun ofthe Word frorUiingsof life ihines furely upon their faces, doe wilfully f"JJf ;^/-^'*fhuc their eyes agakift it,that He fhould^ftrike chena ^w^rd.ftarkc blinde, fothat for matters of falvatien theyfliould grope even at noone-day, as the blind gro*pethindarkenefle, and fturablcth in the darkcftnight.2« Sith they depend on their owne policy, n'orUiwgs dt*depths, and turning devices, God juftlyturnes5^^/p"J^" "^teafon 5them loofeto follow the fwing of their carnall "*" 'and fuffers them to lie and delight themfelvesin the fenfuall mifls, and felf-conceited foo*Icries and vanities of their own naturall wifdomcwhile the Moonc lookcsdire(5lIy upon the Sunne>from whom fheborrowes her light, (bee is brightand beautifull, butiffheonceturneafide, and beleft toiler felf,(hc loofesall her glory, and enjoycsbut onely a fhadow oflight w hich is her owne: fowhile men with humility and teachablenefTe turnetheir faces toward the Sunne of RighteoufnefTe,ChristJesv s, and thofeStarres which heholds in his right hand, the faithfull Minifters, toreceive from them illumination in heavenlythings^andinftrudiion in the waies ofG o d ,G o ddoth gratioufly vouchfafe unto them the gloriouslight offaving knowledge: but when they turnetheir backs upon Him, betake themfelves to theirowne plots and projeds, devices and policies, andP 2feekc

210 A SERMON.inftmmcnts <strong>of</strong> light, hcc cannot polTibly behold<strong>and</strong> gaze upon with delight <strong>the</strong> goodlineffe <strong>and</strong>glory <strong>of</strong>this great frame <strong>of</strong><strong>the</strong> world about him :he cannot fee <strong>the</strong> brightnefTc <strong>of</strong><strong>the</strong> Sun, <strong>the</strong> beau-•wty <strong>of</strong><strong>the</strong> earth, <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong> dclightfome variety <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>creatures : fo a worldly-wife man though hee beenever fo gracefull for his o<strong>the</strong>r parts, never fo admirableto carnall eyes, or mightily magnified byhis flatterers or favourites: yet wanting <strong>the</strong> favingfight <strong>of</strong> G o p s f<strong>and</strong>lifying Spirit, <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong> eye <strong>of</strong>fpirituall undcrft<strong>and</strong>ing,is ftarke blind infpirituallmatters, <strong>and</strong> cannot p<strong>of</strong>fibly behold <strong>the</strong> rich Paradife<strong>of</strong><strong>the</strong>kingdome <strong>of</strong>grace,thcfecrcts <strong>of</strong>San-£l:ification,<strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong> incomparable glory <strong>and</strong> excellency<strong>of</strong> Chriftianity.This wifdome <strong>of</strong><strong>the</strong> flcfbferves <strong>the</strong> worldling ( like<strong>the</strong>Oftrich wings ) tomake him to out-run o<strong>the</strong>rs upon <strong>the</strong> earth <strong>and</strong> inearthly <strong>things</strong> 5 but can help him never a whic towardsheaven : nay, is ra<strong>the</strong>r like a heavic millftoneabout his neck,to make him finke deeper into<strong>the</strong> bottomleffe pit <strong>of</strong> hell.The rcafon why <strong>the</strong>fe great politicians <strong>and</strong> joFlijgeVidfimly wife men <strong>of</strong><strong>the</strong> world (as th^y are called) forvporidiivgi. all <strong>the</strong>if depths <strong>and</strong> devices, with all <strong>the</strong>ir wit <strong>and</strong>windings, cannot underft<strong>and</strong> one title <strong>of</strong><strong>the</strong><strong>things</strong> <strong>of</strong> G o d, is, becaufethis fpirituall knowledgeis hid from <strong>the</strong>m. For fo faith our SaviourChrist, Map. 11.25. Igf've <strong>the</strong>e thankes o Fa<strong>the</strong>rLord <strong>of</strong>Heaven <strong>and</strong> Earth, hecmfethou haft hid<strong>the</strong>fe <strong>things</strong>from<strong>the</strong> wife <strong>and</strong> men $f underf<strong>and</strong>tng,,gndhafirevealidthilnuntohahes. And this reafonour Saviour rcndretb why hcc fpakc to worldlings

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