Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...

Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ... Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...
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8 Thiftife anclT>eath^afterward became a learneol Divine andgodly Preacher at London. In that Colledgcheefellclofe to the ftudies of Logickc andPhilofophie , and by reafon ofthat groundworkof learning he got at fchoolcand maturityof yearcs, hec quickly got the ftartafthofcof hisownetime, and grew into famein that ifoufc.In the middcft of thefc hisftudieshis Father died, and then his meanesfailed ,for all his Fathers lands fell to his el*dcr brother now living : but thiscroflebyGods providence prooved a great advantageto him for his growth in learning,though it put him to monftrous paines ofbody and mind ; for now wanting meanesto buy him bookcs , he borrowed ofhis Tutourand others the bed writers on Naturalland Moral! Philofophy,andthe Politickes,and read them all over, and abridged themall in his note books, which arc now to beefeene , and then returned the books to theirowners. Nay j fuch a defire bee had to attaineaperfe^ioninthethingshee i1:udied>that though hee was very well skilled in theGreeke tongue^ yet chat hee might attaine ancxad-

exaulncffe in ir^ he did with intolerable painswrite out with his owne hand all Homer ,(orH^(?^lamfure)forihaverecneii (thoughlong fincc) in a fairc Grccke cbarader 5forhec wrote that language better than hce didcither Englilh or Latine^ and asking him thereafon of his paines, hee told mc,it was onlythat he might accent perfcdlyJ his broughthim to iuch a readineflcj that hce could withas much facility dijcourfe in the publikeSchoolcs (for he was a famous difputant) inthe Greeks tongue, as in the Latine or Englifli;ana in them all, hec wrote and (pakeStiloimptrati rio^ as Lipfins cals it,

exaulncffe in ir^ he did with intolerable painswrite out with his owne h<strong>and</strong> all Homer ,(orH^(?^lamfure)forihaverecneii (thoughlong fincc) in a fairc Grccke cbarader 5forhec wrote that language better than hce didci<strong>the</strong>r Englilh or Latine^ <strong>and</strong> asking him <strong>the</strong>reafon <strong>of</strong> his paines, hee told mc,it was onlythat he might accent perfcdlyJ his broughthim to iuch a readineflcj that hce could withas much facility dijcourfe in <strong>the</strong> publikeSchoolcs (for he was a famous difputant) in<strong>the</strong> Greeks tongue, as in <strong>the</strong> Latine or Englifli;ana in <strong>the</strong>m all, hec wrote <strong>and</strong> (pakeStiloimptrati rio^ as Lipfins cals it,

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