Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...

Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ... Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...
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2ogA SERMON.draw many miferics and plagues upon the placewhere they Uve.This reafon is carnall indced,thiswifedome is earthly with a wirncfTe.Addanotheroutof/'«^.i2. 39*40.Thus you fee worldly vvifdome in all that coivfultationand carriage inclines unto the earth,providcsever with greatcft care for the world, and favoursrankly offlefliandbloud.fmlZfuT^ • ^^ ^^ SiKofenfmH : for, ir doth fenflcfly pr^me/enfua.£^^^^ ^j^^ plcafures of fcnfe and pleafing the appetite,before the peace ofconfcience and fenfe ofGods favour. It provides a thoufand times betterfor a body ofearth, which muft (hortly uponan unavoidable necelfity, feedc thewormes, andturne to duft; than for a precious immortall foulc,the immediate ilTue of Go d s Almighrineflfc, andwhich can never poflibly die ; It doth with greaterfwcetneflc and hold-faft, relifh, apprehend andenjoy the furious delights offome bofomc-finne,which it hath in prefent purfuit, tafte and pofTeiSon5thanfpirituall graces, Gods favour,joy in thatblefTed Spirit, andacrowneoflife hereafter;forwhich it hath Gods Word and promife, if icwould be wifeto falvation. In a word : it dothfo highly preferre a fewbitter-fweet pleafures^foran inch oftime in this vale of reares^ before unmixedand immeafurable joyes thorow all eternityin the glorious maniions of heaven : Is not thiswifedome ftrangely nailed and glued unto fenfe,and ftupidly fenfeleffe in fpirituall things, thatthough many times fore-told and fore-warned bythe Miniftcry of the Word, yet will needs for thetemporary

A SERMON 209temporary fatisfaifiion of its carnall, covetous, ocambitious humour, with filthy vexing, tranfitorypclfe,withvaniry5dung, nothing, run wilfully andheadlong uponeafelelle, endlefTe, and remedilefletormenrs in the world to come ^ And that which 4isthe juft curfc and plague of worldly wifedome,(thisfpirituallmadnelTe commonly called) it isconfident that it doth wifely, and takes the beftway, and thereupon becomes incorrigible andobftinate : For there is more hope ofafoole^ then ofhimthatisrvifeinhis o^vne conceift, Prov* 26. 22.hndijTh&ttghthou jhoitldefl ifray afookin a mi>rter,yetwill not hisfooliflmejfe departfrom him\ Prov, 27.22*How fearefullthen is his cafe, that to his worldlywifdomejoynes confidence in his waies ^ But theday will come that hee'l fee and bewailerhe vanityof his wifdome, and the truth of his folly, and thatwith bitter gticfe and horrible anguiflieven in hellfire,asit is notably fee downe in the book of f^rifSenTmUdome Cap. $.VmlZth,But the Word which heere in Iam;s is rendred ^"x'^'^/l «>Senfihill, isthcfame which is ufed, 1 Corinthians S^l^'vil^^^-nt2. 14, The nattitiill man receiveth mt the things^ o^-fjrn«V/,itthatSo that worldly wifedome is In that fenfe natu-w^'^^U^v'^-^rail: that it can neither rcliili nor receive the ^XiTy%lmthings ofthe Spirit: itc^nno: poflibly conceive reujiwb notand comprehend the immediate meanes and my-fteries of falvation : let a man otherwife be neverCo faire and comely in body, never fo proportionable^perfonable,or goodly tS looke upon, and inthe eye ofothers, yetifhimfelfe wantcyes (thePinftru-^^ritu^ tbiags

2ogA SERMON.draw many miferics <strong>and</strong> plagues upon <strong>the</strong> placewhere <strong>the</strong>y Uve.This reafon is carnall indced,thiswifedome is earthly with a wirncfTe.Addano<strong>the</strong>rout<strong>of</strong>/'«^.i2. 39*40.Thus you fee worldly vvifdome in all that coivfultation<strong>and</strong> carriage inclines unto <strong>the</strong> earth,providcsever with greatcft care for <strong>the</strong> world, <strong>and</strong> favoursrankly <strong>of</strong>flefli<strong>and</strong>bloud.fmlZfuT^ • ^^ ^^ SiK<strong>of</strong>enfmH : for, ir doth fenflcfly pr^me/enfua.£^^^^ ^j^^ plcafures <strong>of</strong> fcnfe <strong>and</strong> pleafing <strong>the</strong> appetite,before <strong>the</strong> peace <strong>of</strong>confcience <strong>and</strong> fenfe <strong>of</strong>Gods favour. It provides a thouf<strong>and</strong> times betterfor a body <strong>of</strong>earth, which muft (hortly uponan unavoidable necelfity, feedc <strong>the</strong>wormes, <strong>and</strong>turne to duft; than for a precious immortall foulc,<strong>the</strong> immediate ilTue <strong>of</strong> Go d s Almighrineflfc, <strong>and</strong>which can never p<strong>of</strong>libly die ; It doth with greaterfwcetneflc <strong>and</strong> hold-faft, relifh, apprehend <strong>and</strong>enjoy <strong>the</strong> furious delights <strong>of</strong>fome b<strong>of</strong>omc-finne,which it hath in prefent purfuit, tafte <strong>and</strong> p<strong>of</strong>TeiSon5thanfpirituall graces, Gods favour,joy in thatblefTed Spirit, <strong>and</strong>acrowne<strong>of</strong>life hereafter;forwhich it hath Gods Word <strong>and</strong> promife, if icwould be wifeto falvation. In a word : it dothfo highly preferre a fewbitter-fweet pleafures^foran inch <strong>of</strong>time in this vale <strong>of</strong> reares^ before unmixed<strong>and</strong> immeafurable joyes thorow all eternityin <strong>the</strong> glorious maniions <strong>of</strong> heaven : Is not thiswifedome ftrangely nailed <strong>and</strong> glued unto fenfe,<strong>and</strong> ftupidly fenfeleffe in fpirituall <strong>things</strong>, thatthough many times fore-told <strong>and</strong> fore-warned by<strong>the</strong> Miniftcry <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Word, yet will needs for <strong>the</strong>temporary

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