Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...

Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...

Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...


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-ao6 • A SERMON..- . :—. .— » •TratchfuUy tended :but inquire into <strong>the</strong> fpirituallhusb<strong>and</strong>ry at home in his owne confcience, <strong>and</strong>you (hall find his heart overgiowne with finne,as<strong>the</strong> wildeft waft with thirties <strong>and</strong> briars ; no fenceto keep <strong>the</strong> Divell out <strong>of</strong>his foule, many noyforachifts growing thick <strong>and</strong> ranke, Ukc fo many nettles<strong>and</strong> brambles to be cut down <strong>and</strong> caft into <strong>the</strong> firejfo that his fillieft lamb <strong>and</strong> pooreft pig is in a thouf<strong>and</strong>times more happy cafe,than himfelfe <strong>the</strong>owner^<strong>and</strong>well were he if his laft end might be like<strong>the</strong>irs, that is, that hisimmortall foule might diewith his body: but that cannot bej except in <strong>the</strong>meane time he repent, <strong>and</strong> renounce his carnallreafon, hee muft be dcflroyed with an everlaftingperdition,from <strong>the</strong> prcfence <strong>of</strong>Go n,<strong>and</strong> from <strong>the</strong>glory <strong>of</strong>His power.^' Confider His care <strong>and</strong> afifeaion towardsm'rf'c'ire forS«r IhliJens Hls children; youfhallfindethattobe all earth;tm^nan than for whereas perhaps with farre lelTe toyle <strong>and</strong> traqinMi^aiivailcby<strong>the</strong>mercies<strong>of</strong> Go D, by teaching <strong>the</strong>m<strong>the</strong> feare <strong>of</strong>G o d , inftrud^ing <strong>the</strong>m in <strong>the</strong> waies <strong>of</strong>godlinelTe, reftrayning <strong>the</strong>m from prophanenefle,<strong>and</strong> prophaning <strong>the</strong> Sabbath, by his owne example<strong>of</strong> piety <strong>and</strong> godly converfation, hee mightplantgracein <strong>the</strong>ir hearts, <strong>and</strong>provideacrownc<strong>of</strong>glory for <strong>the</strong>ir heads hereafter: yet (wretchedroan ) hee doth not onely wickedly flegle(S <strong>the</strong>femeanes <strong>of</strong> everlafting comfort : but with toomuch worldlineflc, variety <strong>of</strong>vexations (<strong>and</strong> perhapsfor his very wickedneffe that way, if<strong>the</strong>rewere nothing elfe) with <strong>the</strong> great danger <strong>of</strong> hisowne foule Jhchcapesupforthcm th<strong>of</strong>e hoards,that

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