Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...

Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ... Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...
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^o4ASERMON.things ofthis life, as though both body and fouleat their difTolution,fliould bee holy and everlaftinglyrcfolved, and turned into earth,duft, or nothing.To give you a taftc of this earthlinefle ofworldly wifcdome, give mee a worldly-wife manand,if^atuungtpro' I . Put him into difcourfe ofthe affaires of the"^^^^^^ andthebufmeffcof his calling, andi^iyuTjhJi youUofinbun^n^ fhall finde him profound and deepe in this argument,abletofpeakewellandtotheporpofe; ificwere a whole day, and that with dexterity andchecrflilnefle :But divert his difcourfe a littlcjandturne him intotalke of matters of Heaven, of thegreat myftcry ofgodlinefle, the fccrecs offandification.cafesof confcience,and fuch like holy conference,and you (hall finde him to bee a very infant,an ideot : it may bee, hee may fay fomcthingofthe generall points of Religion, of matters inconrroverfie, ofthe meaning of fome places inScripture: but cometoconferre of pradical I dWinity,experimentallknowledge, palTages of Chriftianity,and pr3

ASERMOK.aojJ. Let him come tofomc great pcifonagewith ^^,^/, ,«a fuit, to inrrcate his ravour and countenance, or to temr petition^enthun God.give him tlianks for fome former good tuine : andhe will be able to fpeak wcll^plaLfibly.plcafingly,perlwafively,snd le^- fonably ; 6in- put him to prayin his family unto Ahnighty God for the pardonof his finnes, and a crowne of life, for theremoovall ofdamnation aiid an cverlafting curfe 5to powre out his foule in thankcfullnefle for e\Trygood thing hce en joycth ( fcrhee holds all fromHim) andfuchawifeman ( which is ftrangeandfearefull) in a bufineffe of fo great weightjWill notbee able to fpcake fcarce one wife word without abook,$, Comeintohisfamily,examinetheftateofZSuLr^his houfe, you fliall find all things in good order, 'denithmtUirevery affaire marihallcdanddifpofed for the beft /"«'"•advantage,a provident fore-caft,and prefent provifionofthingsneccffaryfori heir bodies: Everyone bufie in their feverallimployments, and careful]in theworkes oftheir calling : butfearch alfointo the eftate oftheir foules, what heavenly foodis min fired for theii fpirituall life, how the Sabbathis fandified among them, how it ftands withthem for houfliold-inftruiSlions and family-cxercifes.^r.And (God knowcs) in that regard, thatway there is noprovidence at all, no care, no eonfcicnceabout any fuch matters.Walke alfo amongft his husbandry; you fliallfind his arable carefully dungcd,iillcd and fowne:his paflurcs well mounded, iTankt and trencht; histrees pruned, his gardens weeded, his catrellwatchfullyrr«rW/i'^f^^bZy^ teturi^a» ^intuan,

ASERMOK.aojJ. Let him come t<strong>of</strong>omc great pcifonagewith ^^,^/, ,«a fuit, to inrrcate his ravour <strong>and</strong> countenance, or to temr petition^enthun God.give him tlianks for fome former good tuine : <strong>and</strong>he will be able to fpeak wcll^plaLfibly.plcafingly,perlwafively,snd le^- fonably ; 6in- put him to prayin his family unto Ahnighty God for <strong>the</strong> pardon<strong>of</strong> his finnes, <strong>and</strong> a crowne <strong>of</strong> life, for <strong>the</strong>remoovall <strong>of</strong>damnation aiid an cverlafting curfe 5to powre out his foule in thankcfullnefle for e\Trygood thing hce en joycth ( fcrhee holds all fromHim) <strong>and</strong>fuchawifeman ( which is ftrange<strong>and</strong>fearefull) in a bufineffe <strong>of</strong> fo great weightjWill notbee able to fpcake fcarce one wife word without abook,$, Comeintohisfamily,examine<strong>the</strong>ftate<strong>of</strong>ZSuLr^his houfe, you fliall find all <strong>things</strong> in good order, 'denithmtUirevery affaire marihallcd<strong>and</strong>difp<strong>of</strong>ed for <strong>the</strong> beft /"«'"•advantage,a provident fore-caft,<strong>and</strong> prefent provifion<strong>of</strong><strong>things</strong>neccffaryfori heir bodies: Everyone bufie in <strong>the</strong>ir feverallimployments, <strong>and</strong> careful]in <strong>the</strong><strong>worke</strong>s <strong>of</strong><strong>the</strong>ir calling : butfearch alfointo <strong>the</strong> eftate <strong>of</strong><strong>the</strong>ir foules, what heavenly foodis min fired for <strong>the</strong>ii fpirituall life, how <strong>the</strong> Sabbathis f<strong>and</strong>ified among <strong>the</strong>m, how it ft<strong>and</strong>s with<strong>the</strong>m for houfliold-inftruiSlions <strong>and</strong> family-cxercifes.^r.And (God knowcs) in that regard, thatway <strong>the</strong>re is noprovidence at all, no care, no eonfcicnceabout any fuch matters.Walke alfo amongft his husb<strong>and</strong>ry; you fliallfind his arable carefully dungcd,iillcd <strong>and</strong> fowne:his paflurcs well mounded, iTankt <strong>and</strong> trencht; histrees pruned, his gardens weeded, his catrellwatchfullyrr«rW/i'^f^^bZy^ teturi^a» ^intuan,

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