Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...

Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ... Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...
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ipSA SERMON.spite againfi pi--fpacetheybe thorowly heated, and it begin toburnc up their noyfomelufts. to gall their guiltyconfcitnces, to fling their carnall hearts, to vexeand difquiet their covetous alFcdions^then beginsall the ftirre.and^atanto play his part: the fuddeninflidionofawoundis not fo very painefull,and while it is greene it is not fo grievous, but after,when it comtsto be fearched in cold bloud,tohave tents put into it, and corrofives applied, theni: goeth to the heart : When thefword ofthe SpiritfirA ilrikes the carnal! heart, it may perhapsbeate away the blow reafonablc well; but if theChyrurgion of the foule, I meane the Minifter ofthe Word follow his cure faithfully, and open thewound wider,as hefeesneed,applyfpirituall corrofivesto eat away the rankenefle ofthe ficfh, andthe poyfon of finne,then begins the prophane man(if the Lord give him notgracetofuifer his fouleto bee faved) to rage and rave with the fmart ofitand perhaps with malice and furieto flie into theface of his foules Phyfitian.Seethe humour of prophane men againft thepower of a confcionable Miniftery,/f?.44.i5,^f.o4'(J/ji3.8.andCap.i4.25c5"^.andVcrfeip. andCap.i6.ip.and Cap.i7.5.and Ver. 32.and Cap.19.2p.and 24.5.This fpite and malicc ofSatan againft fincerityetji injamtiies^ and grace is to be fecnealfo in private families ; ifthe governours ofthe houfe, the children and fervantsbe all prophane(as it is very true of very manyin moft places ) then they are palling well metfor matter of Religion > and were there nothingamongft

A SERMON 199amongft them to breed diffcfence and difTerition,but Gods ferviccthey would never fail ouc^forthey arc all content to heare no mGre^ormore oftenof the affaires of Heaven, judgements ix)r fin,thewaiesof G o Djand reformation of their life,than they mull needs: they arc all willing and forwardto prophanethe Sabbath, inonekindeor o-ther; fomeby abfcnting themfelves from thehoufeofGo D ^fome by worldly talke all the daylong, fonTiCby idleneffe, fomeby finnefull fports,(^c.They arc well content to lie downe at night,like wilde beafts in their dens, without lifting uptheir hearts together utito that merciful! Godwhich hath prcferved and pro fpered them all theday: torifeupalfo in the morning, prayerlefTe,or only with formall prayers. They all joyne inmalice againft the Miniftery of the Word, in flanderouslies againft the mcflengers of G o d, inb ife and reviling fpeechesagainft the profeffoursofChriftianity. The reafonis, they are all poffcfTedwith the fame fpiric of prophaneneffe,loveofpleafures, hatred tobeereformedjand carnalityofheart. But if it once pleafe the Lo r d to planegrace in the heart of the Mader of the family 5 (b

A SERMON 199amongft <strong>the</strong>m to breed diffcfence <strong>and</strong> difTerition,but Gods fervicc<strong>the</strong>y would never fail ouc^for<strong>the</strong>y arc all content to heare no mGre^ormore <strong>of</strong>ten<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> affaires <strong>of</strong> Heaven, judgements ix)r fin,<strong>the</strong>waies<strong>of</strong> G o Dj<strong>and</strong> reformation <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>ir life,than <strong>the</strong>y mull needs: <strong>the</strong>y arc all willing <strong>and</strong> forwardto prophane<strong>the</strong> Sabbath, inonekindeor o-<strong>the</strong>r; fomeby abfcnting <strong>the</strong>mfelves from <strong>the</strong>houfe<strong>of</strong>Go D ^fome by worldly talke all <strong>the</strong> daylong, fonTiCby idleneffe, fomeby finnefull fports,(^c.They arc well content to lie downe at night,like wilde beafts in <strong>the</strong>ir dens, without lifting up<strong>the</strong>ir hearts toge<strong>the</strong>r utito that merciful! Godwhich hath prcferved <strong>and</strong> pro fpered <strong>the</strong>m all <strong>the</strong>day: torifeupalfo in <strong>the</strong> morning, prayerlefTe,or only with formall prayers. They all joyne inmalice againft <strong>the</strong> Miniftery <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Word, in fl<strong>and</strong>erouslies againft <strong>the</strong> mcflengers <strong>of</strong> G o d, inb ife <strong>and</strong> reviling fpeechesagainft <strong>the</strong> pr<strong>of</strong>effours<strong>of</strong>Chriftianity. The reafonis, <strong>the</strong>y are all p<strong>of</strong>fcfTedwith <strong>the</strong> fame fpiric <strong>of</strong> prophaneneffe,love<strong>of</strong>pleafures, hatred tobeereformedj<strong>and</strong> carnality<strong>of</strong>heart. But if it once pleafe <strong>the</strong> Lo r d to planegrace in <strong>the</strong> heart <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Mader <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> family 5 (b

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