Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...

Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ... Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...
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IP4A SERMON.Scarce was that blcfTcd Quecnc and incomparaeuzTbht?'l^le Lady warme in her Princely Throne; butSatanfetsonthePopcP?/^^«/W/^,hee fends fromMsmetwo Popifh Priefts, miortort^nd Wehhe witha Bull ofexcomniunication^ whereby the fubjecSlsand people of the Kingdome were in a Popiflifenfe difcharg'd and alToird from their allegiance,loyalty and obedience to her Majefty .They follicitthe two rraiterous Earles ofthe North, Northumberlandzxid WertmerUndi tobeethc executionersofthis bloudy Bull, which indeed was thefountaine and foundation of all the fuccecdinghorrible plots and barbarous treacheries. See^JSellst^rtatomy cfp6pij})tyramy, whisEfift.T>edic^The executmer ofjujlice ina little booke calleaJEngUndy^c. I pray God now at length turnethofe Popifli murderous hearts from whetting anymoe fwords to ilied the bloud ofthe Lord sannointed: orreturnethefharpe fwords from tiiepoint with a cutting edge on both C\dcs, even upto th« very hilts into their owne hearts blond. (>Lor D 3 let the King flourifh with a crowne ofgloryupon his head, and a Scepter oftriumph in hishand, and flill wafli his Princely fcerc in the bloudof his enemies.Rage cgdinft 3 'This fpitcfull rage & furious oppofition of Sathepmejfuu tan agaiuft the power ofthe word,appeares alfo byMimfiay.jjjjjjy experience in thofetowns & parifhcs, whereby the mercies of G o D,a confcionableMiniftcryis plantedibefore,while Satan ruled and raigned a-mongft them, by his wicked deputies, ignorance>prophancneSjPopifh fupcrAitions, finfull vanities,lewd

A SERMON. 195lewd fportSj prop hanation ofthe Sabbath, filthiftefTcdrunkcnncfTcandfuch other accurfed Purfcvamsfor Hell :Why then all was wcll,all was inquiet and in peace.O then that was a merry world|and as good a Towne for good-feHowfhip,as wasin all the Countrey. And no marvelhwhcn a ft rongarmed man kecpeth his Pallace,thc things that hepoflTefTcth are in pcuce^Luh 11.21. WhileSatarifits in their hcarts> and rules in their confciencesjhee fuffcrs them to have their fwings in their furiousvanities and wicked plcafurcs, without anygreat difhirbancc or contiudi

A SERMON. 195lewd fportSj prop hanation <strong>of</strong><strong>the</strong> Sabbath, filthiftefTcdrunkcnncfTc<strong>and</strong>fuch o<strong>the</strong>r accurfed Purfcvamsfor Hell :Why <strong>the</strong>n all was wcll,all was inquiet <strong>and</strong> in peace.O <strong>the</strong>n that was a merry world|<strong>and</strong> as good a Towne for good-feHowfhip,as wasin all <strong>the</strong> Countrey. And no marvelhwhcn a ft rongarmed man kecpeth his Pallace,thc <strong>things</strong> that hep<strong>of</strong>lTefTcth are in pcuce^Luh 11.21. WhileSatarifits in <strong>the</strong>ir hcarts> <strong>and</strong> rules in <strong>the</strong>ir confciencesjhee fuffcrs <strong>the</strong>m to have <strong>the</strong>ir fwings in <strong>the</strong>ir furiousvanities <strong>and</strong> wicked plcafurcs, without anygreat difhirbancc or contiudi

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