Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...

Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...

Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...


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A SERMON. 191thing In all Its confultations concludes ever<strong>things</strong>pleafingt<strong>of</strong>lefh<strong>and</strong>bloud, <strong>and</strong> ends atllaftwith extremcft folly <strong>and</strong> utter contufion. WitnefTet^chttophd jwho was wife enough to fet hishoufein order, <strong>and</strong> yet wanted wit to refcue his©wnc life out <strong>of</strong> his ownc h<strong>and</strong>s: he was curious toprovide for his family after his <strong>death</strong>, <strong>and</strong> had nocare at all to preferve himfelfefrom erernall <strong>death</strong>:was not this a madneffe even to m:r^.cle,zs DivinesAmentia ufqjfpeake-f Hee got him home to his houfe, purhis ^^^ F°^'S "houflioldin order, <strong>and</strong> hanged himfelfej ^nd is tSamaz-^j.hanged up in chaines as a dreadful 1 fpeitacleto allp<strong>of</strong>terity,forallworldly-wifemento take wam^ingbyto<strong>the</strong> worlds end.^ ,The Spirit 01 G o d intimates unto iis <strong>the</strong> pe- ^ounielflilencie <strong>of</strong> its properties, lames ^. 15, It is,Firft, Earthly, Secondly, Senfuall. Thirdly, Dl-'uellifb,Dfveliijl) : for, it imitateth <strong>the</strong> Divell in plotting<strong>and</strong> contriving mifchicfe<strong>and</strong>ruine againlt<strong>the</strong>glory <strong>of</strong> iG o D s Majefly, <strong>and</strong> Miniftry <strong>of</strong> hisWord. It tafts <strong>of</strong> his helhfli wilinelTe in cl<strong>of</strong>econveyances <strong>and</strong> fccret infidiations,for <strong>the</strong> undermining,ftipplanting, <strong>and</strong> confounding <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> paffage<strong>of</strong><strong>the</strong>G<strong>of</strong>pell,<strong>and</strong>plantation <strong>of</strong> grace in <strong>the</strong>hearts <strong>of</strong>men. Satan (you know) is ever fierce<strong>and</strong> furious, when hefpiesbut<strong>the</strong>leaftglimpfe<strong>of</strong>Gods truth, or fparke <strong>of</strong>gracetopeepe out <strong>and</strong>breake forth at aoy time, or in any place. When<strong>the</strong> glorious fun-ftiine<strong>of</strong><strong>the</strong> G<strong>of</strong>pell did in thcfelatrer times <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> world (according to <strong>the</strong>Pro-TphcdcinthcMe^eUtms) arifcouc <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>d^rkc-fomc-^IFcrWy w'tfei

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