Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...

Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ... Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...
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13.07.2015 Views Gods faithfuU meflengers to drive them tofinceriry: and yet after this, hee muft fcrve histime in ferving the times : and through many miferiesoffecular martyrdome,as Teter Blefenfu calsit,and many fhipwracks of a good confcience, bybafcneiTejflatteringjattending, depending, and undoinghis foule. At laft(ifhc die not in the purfuit,as many have done )bcfides all thefe precedentmiferable meanes,by prefent fimony, or fome o-ther vile fervices : hee comes into fome highplace, or at leaft becomes a negligent non-refident,orinfatiablepluralift. Which wicked] entrancebeing accompanied with G o d scurfe, hisheart already fo hardened,his minifteriall ftrengthand vetne of learning fo wafted and dried up bydifcominuancc, defuetude, and worldly dealings ;having now attained his ends, hee drownes himfelfeover head and cares either in fecular bufinelTesor fenfuall plcafures to muffle up themouthof his horribly guilty confcience : criesdowne preaching, oppofcth the power of god-HncfTe and fo becomes rathera wolfe than a flbcpheard.Kichenhaiie iIn a fecoridplace.The rich Worldling alfo is int e ivorcL.^-wocRilIcafc this way,as appeares by Chris f s-6wncwords,cJW4f//>.ip.25>24. which is furtherconfirmed by cafting our eyes upon Luke i6.i/^,and iTim.6.9» Luk.iSnig, ^^ndthe Pharifeeswhichwere covetom heard aH thefe thtn;^s , and deridedhim. And what heard they from Ch ri s t ^ThatitwasimpoflTibleto fervc Go d and Mammon.Sothatthere are fome pafTagescvcr Tn a faithfull

A SERMON.1S5full and fearching miniftcrie, which covetousworldlings dcridcjand will pot down with by anymeancs^butrefolutely reject in their carnall wifedomeas veryfoolifb, unneceffary»p]jecife, and nowaiestobe given way unto. E-fpecially fuch asthefe. I. That they muftrcftorewhatfoever they ^^ardnJt s thanput their hands to atiyunlawfull waycs or meanesofgetring: fo much as to tell a lie, ^tf-. 5. Thatgodllnejfeis greaf game, and that it is incomparablybettertobereligious than rich, good than great,4. That there isa life of faith which will kcepea manrin fweet contentment in any eftatc,fhoulcth?^. bee, never fo poore. 5. That 7^^was truly richer with Christ alone^than wlienb^fom lie.was loaden with aboundance of thickeclay . 6, That riches arc nothing, Proverhes 2 3 .5VWihthoufet thine eyes ufon thaP whichis not^'j.'Xh.m.they rauft leaveall for C h r i s t.B. That iftheypart with all for him, they fliall bee recompencedan hundred fold in this lij?.. 9, That ifthey had no lecompence at all in this world,yet the reward that they fhall have in theworld to come, willbcca fup'eraboundant recdrfi-ppence.Notwithftanding thefe fatisfa6^>—crabte Gods faithfuU meflengers to drive <strong>the</strong>m t<strong>of</strong>inceriry: <strong>and</strong> yet after this, hee muft fcrve histime in ferving <strong>the</strong> times : <strong>and</strong> through many miferies<strong>of</strong>fecular martyrdome,as Teter Blefenfu calsit,<strong>and</strong> many fhipwracks <strong>of</strong> a good confcience, bybafcneiTejflatteringjattending, depending, <strong>and</strong> undoinghis foule. At laft(ifhc die not in <strong>the</strong> purfuit,as many have done )bcfides all <strong>the</strong>fe precedentmiferable meanes,by prefent fimony, or fome o-<strong>the</strong>r vile fervices : hee comes into fome highplace, or at leaft becomes a negligent non-refident,orinfatiablepluralift. Which wicked] entrancebeing accompanied with G o d scurfe, hisheart already fo hardened,his minifteriall ftrength<strong>and</strong> vetne <strong>of</strong> learning fo wafted <strong>and</strong> dried up bydifcominuancc, defuetude, <strong>and</strong> worldly dealings ;having now attained his ends, hee drownes himfelfeover head <strong>and</strong> cares ei<strong>the</strong>r in fecular bufinelTesor fenfuall plcafures to muffle up <strong>the</strong>mouth<strong>of</strong> his horribly guilty confcience : criesdowne preaching, opp<strong>of</strong>cth <strong>the</strong> power <strong>of</strong> god-HncfTe <strong>and</strong> fo becomes ra<strong>the</strong>ra wolfe than a flbcpheard.Kichenhaiie iIn a fecoridplace.The rich Worldling alfo is int e ivorcL.^-wocRilIcafc this way,as appeares by Chris f s-6wncwords,cJW4f//>.ip.25>24. which is fur<strong>the</strong>rconfirmed by cafting our eyes upon Luke i6.i/^,<strong>and</strong> iTim.6.9» Luk.iSnig, ^^nd<strong>the</strong> Pharifeeswhichwere covetom heard aH <strong>the</strong>fe thtn;^s , <strong>and</strong> deridedhim. And what heard <strong>the</strong>y from Ch ri s t ^Thatitwasimp<strong>of</strong>lTibleto fervc Go d <strong>and</strong> Mammon.Sothat<strong>the</strong>re are fome pafTagescvcr Tn a faithfull

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