Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...

Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ... Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...
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$2 A SERMON.gins to reflsifi with the eycoffclfe-lovc5and manyvainc-glorious glaunces upon his perfonall worthand publikcapplanfe: and then cafts about whatconrfcto take. Gods principle and path is : Jcis better to be good, than great 5 religious, thanAnd therefore He would have him imployrich :and improove all his naturall and acquired endowmcntsjall the powers and poflibilities of bodyand foule upon His glory and fervicethat gavethera, and where they are more thaa infinitelydue. And that when the good hand ofdivine providencefhall bring him to any place for the exercifeofhisgifts and mini fteriall imployment, hccwould there fpehd himfelfe(like a fhining and burninglampe)in the illumination and falvation ofGo n s people : and fo hercz^cvJhins as the brightneffeofthe firmament in the highcft heavens, and asthefiarresfor ever and ever.^zy ,that's a rowre,ftriA,precire way :(faiesthe Divell)Jt is not meet,that fuch admired cminency of learned partsfhould bee confined to fuch obfcurity, that fuchrare gifts and depth of knowledge fhould bee loftupon high flioes, and amongft a number offudc,ignorant, and uncapable clownes: and thereforehce labours to raife his fpirit to higher hopes: andwould have him plunge prcfently into the currentofthe times ,and become fomc body in the world.Hereupon (his heart already raviflitwiththepleafingapprehenfion ofworldly glory and humanegreaEnefre,rcprcfented by Satan in the moft alluringformes to his ambitious imagination) hcc rcfolvcsfcarcfuUy againfthisownc foulc, to followthe

A SERMONiSsthe ftreamc, to ply the prcfem,and plot all mcanesand waies of preferment: after which ordinarilyevery ftep towards an high roomc, or to bee haftilyrich, is a fnare and curfc unto hinn : and thereforeat the height, hcc muft needs bee holdcn failHe now begins upon allin the clurchesofSaran.£^',3^^^^^ ,roccaiions to difclaimc all things that tend to pre- hi^b alvanwcircntflrc,and in his deportnient drawes nearer togoodfellowfliip ; he remits and interrupts his careand conftancy in ftudy, and ftudies how ro underilrandthe world, negotiate for advancement, andhumour the times: He merily derides 'DoEHnt^and v[et as thc;^ fccffingly call it : all edifyingplainenefTe zndfficltfhfieffe ofpreaching : and nowhe digs with much adoe perhaps a whole quarterofayearcinrothe rottendung-hillsofPopifli Poftillcrs,and phantafticall Friers, and from thencepatches together many gayiih and gaudy flircds of»*»'•painted babies, and frothy conceits and tricks of . , .wit ; and at length comes out with a fclfe-feeking semons.^Sermon: juft hkc that difcourfc which KingJams s compares to a corne- field in harveft, pcfteredwith red and blew flowers ; which choakcand eat up all the good graine.For,hc well knowsthis is the way to ingratiate himfelfc into thetimes and gntific thofc great ones who defirefarre more to have their eares tickled, than theirconfciences toucht^ and would rather have pillowesfowed und«r their :*rmc-holes by fueh deceivingdaw bcrs,that they may lie more fofrlyupon the bed of fecurity 5 than the keenc arrowesof righteoufncffc and truth faftncd in their fidesN 4by

A SERMONiSs<strong>the</strong> ftreamc, to ply <strong>the</strong> prcfem,<strong>and</strong> plot all mcanes<strong>and</strong> waies <strong>of</strong> preferment: after which ordinarilyevery ftep towards an high roomc, or to bee haftilyrich, is a fnare <strong>and</strong> curfc unto hinn : <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong>reforeat <strong>the</strong> height, hcc muft needs bee holdcn failHe now begins upon allin <strong>the</strong> clurches<strong>of</strong>Saran.£^',3^^^^^ ,roccaiions to difclaimc all <strong>things</strong> that tend to pre- hi^b alvanwcircntflrc,<strong>and</strong> in his deportnient drawes nearer togoodfellowfliip ; he remits <strong>and</strong> interrupts his care<strong>and</strong> conftancy in ftudy, <strong>and</strong> ftudies how ro underilr<strong>and</strong><strong>the</strong> world, negotiate for advancement, <strong>and</strong>humour <strong>the</strong> times: He merily derides 'DoEHnt^<strong>and</strong> v[et as thc;^ fccffingly call it : all edifyingplainenefTe zndfficltfhfieffe <strong>of</strong>preaching : <strong>and</strong> nowhe digs with much adoe perhaps a whole quarter<strong>of</strong>ayearcinro<strong>the</strong> rottendung-hills<strong>of</strong>Popifli P<strong>of</strong>tillcrs,<strong>and</strong> phantafticall Friers, <strong>and</strong> from <strong>the</strong>ncepatches toge<strong>the</strong>r many gayiih <strong>and</strong> gaudy flircds <strong>of</strong>»*»'•painted babies, <strong>and</strong> frothy conceits <strong>and</strong> tricks <strong>of</strong> . , .wit ; <strong>and</strong> at length comes out with a fclfe-feeking semons.^Sermon: juft hkc that difcourfc which KingJams s compares to a corne- field in harveft, pcfteredwith red <strong>and</strong> blew flowers ; which choakc<strong>and</strong> eat up all <strong>the</strong> good graine.For,hc well knowsthis is <strong>the</strong> way to ingratiate himfelfc into <strong>the</strong>times <strong>and</strong> gntific th<strong>of</strong>c great ones who defirefarre more to have <strong>the</strong>ir eares tickled, than <strong>the</strong>irconfciences toucht^ <strong>and</strong> would ra<strong>the</strong>r have pillowesfowed und«r <strong>the</strong>ir :*rmc-holes by fueh deceivingdaw bcrs,that <strong>the</strong>y may lie more f<strong>of</strong>rlyupon <strong>the</strong> bed <strong>of</strong> fecurity 5 than <strong>the</strong> keenc arrowes<strong>of</strong> righteoufncffc <strong>and</strong> truth faftncd in <strong>the</strong>ir fidesN 4by

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