Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...

Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...

Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...


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172 A SERMON.Miniftcry ;<strong>and</strong> feeing <strong>the</strong> Scribes, Pharifecs, <strong>and</strong>great ones <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> world,n6t onely not entcrtainc,<strong>and</strong> countenance, but out <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>ir proud <strong>and</strong> prophanemalice difdaine, <strong>and</strong> eontemne rhegloriousG<strong>of</strong>pell, <strong>and</strong> divine Meilages he brought fromHeaven ; <strong>and</strong> a company <strong>of</strong>pqore fifhcrmen, <strong>and</strong>fome few o<strong>the</strong>r neglcded underlings with an holyviolence lay hold upon his Kingdome : He brakeout into this thankful! acknowledgement <strong>and</strong> adniiration.Ithmke<strong>the</strong>e^ Fa<strong>the</strong>r , Lord <strong>of</strong> BeA-, vcn <strong>and</strong>earthy beemfe thou hafi hid<strong>the</strong>fe <strong>things</strong>frtm<strong>the</strong> wife <strong>and</strong> rudeJit^arid frevealed<strong>the</strong>m to babes : And<strong>the</strong>n afccnds to <strong>the</strong> wdl-head, <strong>and</strong> firft moover <strong>of</strong>all his Dealings withj <strong>and</strong> differences amongft <strong>the</strong>Sons <strong>of</strong> men j <strong>the</strong> facred<strong>and</strong> unfearchable depth<strong>of</strong> this ivJhidct BerJeplacitum, <strong>the</strong> goodfleafure <strong>of</strong>hismil :Even fo Fa<strong>the</strong>r, for fo it feemedgoodin thyIn an humble adoration <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> infcrutable,fight.<strong>and</strong> immutable courfes where<strong>of</strong>we muft finally,<strong>and</strong> fully reft with infinite fatisfadion, filenccdfrom any fur<strong>the</strong>r fearch,<strong>and</strong> carnall curi<strong>of</strong>ities, by'that awful I checke, <strong>and</strong> countermaund <strong>of</strong> Paul .•Ilom.9.20. Nay but C^ian^ vfho art thou that reflief againflGOD? Flefh <strong>and</strong> bloud hath in alj ages grumbled<strong>and</strong> repin'djkickt <strong>and</strong> cavil'd aboutthis point 5 butever at length by meafuring.this deepcft Myftericby <strong>the</strong> line <strong>of</strong>humane reafon, <strong>and</strong> labouring to fa*thomethisbottomeleflcfea by <strong>the</strong> pride <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>irowne wits, <strong>the</strong>y have become wretched opp<strong>of</strong>ers<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> grace <strong>of</strong> G o d , We behold <strong>the</strong> Sun, <strong>and</strong>enjoy die light> as long as we look towards it buttenderly, <strong>and</strong> circumlpcdly : Wee warme ourfclvcs

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