Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...

Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...

Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...


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ufon T/iJgg Y>lico\ls» 155h<strong>and</strong>cdjthatthcy might deale honcftly in <strong>the</strong>ir places.And his owne followers, to whom hce gavea chai ge at his firft entrance to a j udiciall place^that<strong>the</strong>y fliould not meddle, nor make any motions tohim, that hemight be fecur'd from all appearance<strong>of</strong>corruption. And,asl am credibly inform'd,hisordinary reading <strong>of</strong> great letters, <strong>and</strong> rejc(5tion <strong>of</strong>gratuities after judgement given.3. With a noble <strong>and</strong> unfhaken refolution, <strong>and</strong>op^<strong>of</strong>nbn a-mighty opp<strong>of</strong>ition<strong>of</strong> Popery: <strong>and</strong> that without iZthfr^lT^rcfpe^ or feare <strong>of</strong>any greatnefTe, as wee have evi- iuptms,dent demonftration. Now <strong>of</strong>this wee need n<strong>of</strong>ur<strong>the</strong>r teftimony (though <strong>the</strong>re be very pregnant<strong>and</strong> plentiful! befides) than <strong>the</strong> prefcnt triumph<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>Papifts; <strong>and</strong> barbarous infultaticns <strong>of</strong> that /, .ybloudy <strong>and</strong>marderousgeneradon. Andefpecial- ou^^^^-^^--^^'ly in yonder Countrey <strong>of</strong> Lancafliire, <strong>and</strong> th<strong>of</strong>eNor<strong>the</strong>rne Parts ; where hee fliooke <strong>the</strong> pillars <strong>of</strong>Popery more vaUantly <strong>and</strong> fuccefTefully^ than anythcfe many yeares. Officers in th<strong>of</strong>e Parts obferv'd,that in his two orthree yeares, hce convi-^ed, confin'd, <strong>and</strong> cdnform'd moc Papifts thc^^nwere in twenty yeares before. And that laftcharge he gave at Lancafier in his laft Circuit butone,(for I meddle not with <strong>the</strong> laft <strong>of</strong>all) for lawlearning,earntftnefTc <strong>and</strong> excellency againft Popery,prophanenefte, non-refidcncy, <strong>and</strong> o<strong>the</strong>rcorruptions <strong>of</strong><strong>the</strong> times, <strong>and</strong> for <strong>the</strong> extraordinaryheaitning <strong>and</strong> encouraging all good men <strong>and</strong> Eneouraginggodly Minifters was fuch, that lam perfwacled, go^'yMmi/im,it will beremembred with dcarencfte <strong>and</strong> love,while any honcft man that heard i c or heard <strong>of</strong> it,^is

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