Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...

Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...

Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...


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upM fudge "t^icoMs,15 jhimftUe.<strong>and</strong> bctte. cd in his own foulc. And I tellyou truejefpccially inthcfc timcs,this loiTc is great *He was a reverend <strong>and</strong> <strong>learned</strong> Judge, a Prince,<strong>and</strong>agreatMan inlfrael: nay arGod upon earth, p^aff-/u/^he Nicoibfor fo are Judges ftiled by <strong>the</strong> Spirit <strong>of</strong>G o D,Pfal. a'e/fiom'' %S 2.^. Though he be departed this life like a man, o-wne cename<strong>and</strong> fallen as one <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Princes.J;;;;/* '^^But<strong>the</strong>le are nothing y <strong>the</strong>y arc but bare titles in /imoiy ahevzrefptd<strong>of</strong>any true worth.excepthn. tHe was really remarkable, afid renowned for ^^^oii^ich/very fpeciall judiciary endowments,<strong>and</strong> fufficien- th-ni^eminmycies; <strong>and</strong> th<strong>of</strong>e sided <strong>and</strong> attended with many wor-'^J^^'J""^^ '/thy additions <strong>of</strong> morality, <strong>and</strong> fubordinate abili- <strong>of</strong>hupoj'ejjiom.lies. Asfirft, Itmayb^eafe-1 Such calmneffc in his afFcdions, <strong>and</strong> modera- ^f; J^^^'^;^*tion<strong>of</strong> his pa{fions(as I never faw)cven in his ordi- <strong>things</strong> fomznarycariagc.He might have*^^"gbeen amirrour(mcp^jfiothinks)inthis point even amongft <strong>the</strong> exadeft Mo- ^uZTtbe i^e!^ralifts. And <strong>the</strong>y fay,that appeared m<strong>of</strong>t eminent- Mediramn mly in his publike pafTages <strong>and</strong> executions <strong>of</strong>juftice.And how needfull a virtue this is to a JudiciallPlacCjth<strong>of</strong>c may bcft conceive, who ei<strong>the</strong>r feele,or but confider what a cruell <strong>and</strong> intolerable thingit is for an ingenuous man to ft<strong>and</strong> before a ]udgc>who is pre>udicately <strong>and</strong> paflionatelytran {portedwith anger, malice, or hatred againft <strong>the</strong> party tobefcntcnccd.^'^^"'^p^,^.2. Patience to heare<strong>the</strong> bafcft, both parties > all hzlring caujip,diey could fay. And unwillingneflfe to lend his careto <strong>the</strong> one,without <strong>the</strong> o^ers prcfcncc.5. A great<strong>and</strong> happy memory. tisppy mmsty.:4* Singular fagacity in fearching <strong>and</strong> diving in- ^^i

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