Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...

Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...

Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...


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15 J fUHfraUKo^esFV :^CS%ALL 3\(^ TESUpon my Patron, Sir Augustine'/l/LD h^iil N 1 c o L L s Knighr, Judge <strong>of</strong>i^kwio^tke C6mm$» Pleas,*hZ^^J' ^7mdtrlte!^^'^^^ ^^^^^ y°"^ ^^^^ leaves, I will bee bold^* rrwke benefit <strong>of</strong><strong>the</strong> inftant occafion, becaufe itis very (eafanably coincident with <strong>the</strong> Point'; Andpj-cflfc frona that <strong>the</strong> praif^ice<strong>of</strong> this lart mortifyingmotive. Thcfcartificiall formes <strong>of</strong> fadnede,<strong>and</strong> complementall reprefentations <strong>of</strong> forrow inblacks, <strong>and</strong> mourning weeds, arc nothing for mypurp<strong>of</strong>e: nei<strong>the</strong>rdoldcfire to ftirucup or renewor griefe <strong>of</strong>m my man thoughts <strong>of</strong> heavineffe,heart, which hce might conceive <strong>and</strong> liourifli byreafon <strong>of</strong> fome particular intereft in <strong>the</strong> bounty,love, perfon, <strong>and</strong> worthy parts <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> departed:mwy times men arctoo forwatd <strong>and</strong> overflowingin th<strong>of</strong>e tender <strong>of</strong>fices, <strong>and</strong> laft demonftrations <strong>of</strong>naturall affe(aion.And <strong>the</strong>refore my counfell infuch cafes is ; that wee fhould fhevv our felvesChriftiansr.<strong>and</strong> by<strong>the</strong>facred rules <strong>of</strong> Religionever prevent that unfeafonablcncffc <strong>and</strong> exceflfe,which many times with a fruitleffe torture dothtyrannize over thchopcleifc hearts <strong>of</strong>mcere naturallmen.Ptthiikci<strong>of</strong>e;ThcPointthatl would principally prcfTc, <strong>and</strong>tobeiaidto ' pcrfwadc unto, is a Chri(Han <strong>and</strong> compafllionatcharr.takirg to heart ,<strong>the</strong> publike l<strong>of</strong>le,that every one <strong>of</strong>ns may upon thac ©ccafion bee truly humbled inhimfclfe.

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