Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...

Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ... Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...
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ijoOF HEAVEN.trejhasi^Hm ^. Wcc fliill ktiow the fpirituall fubftances,^-^^

OF HEAVEN. 151Light dfglcry clev sting the iinderftanding by afupcrn-ituiallftrergth.2. Others, 1 hat the divine Eflenccfhall be repicfcntedto the glorified undcrftanding, not by a-ny 5/'^rw,bi;t immediately by itSelfe; yet theyalfo require light ofghry to elevate and fortifie theunderftandirg by rcafon of its weakenefTc, and infinitedifproportion and diftance from the inconaprehenfibleDeity.J, Others hold, that to the clearc vifion of ^"^SS^a.God, there is not requiredai'^tf^/

ijoOF HEAVEN.trejhasi^Hm ^. Wcc fliill ktiow <strong>the</strong> fpirituall fubftances,^-^^

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