Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...

Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ... Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...
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The Life andT>eathther noyfe behind them , than the loud andlong continued cries of /pilling their innocentbloud.Memorable alfb are the Funerall Orationsof the two Gregories , Nyffen and Na^ian9:jsnon ^afil the Great : And in later times,to give a few inftanccs ,( for the number inthis kinde is infinite ) M.elan6thon and Came"rarms wrote the life of Martin Luther jlunitisthe life of Vrfine i Ben^^a the life of Calyin ;Antonms Faiifs the life of Be:^a j lofas Simlerthe life oi PeterMmyri2Xi6. DMumphrey thelife ofour nioft renowned Jewed,This manner of honouring the Saints iswarranted by Gods ownc example^who(for ought is revealed to us) tooke order forMofes buriall , digged his grave , coveredhim with molds ^ and made for him that excellentFunerall Sermon exprefled in thefirft Chapter of IoJhuab» And that all- wifeGod who fwectely difpofcth allthingsthinkes it needfull thus to grace his ownepeople, that hce may hereby uphold theirfpirits amid thofe many preffures, fcornes,teptQSichcs,crueBimckini;s^zndmn\xmcrMcother

of Viy. Bolton. ?other miferics which rhey endure of theworld , meerely for his fervice j bee they o-therwifc never fo wife ,juft , mcekc, peaceable,and unrebukeable amongft men : Wirneffethofe many terrible perrecutions(mentionedin Ecclefiafticall Stories) againfttheff«/^' h^/-Chridians, though harmleflJe and innocent 5though they prayed for their Empcrours,and God did miracles in their armies by*'"^^'their prayers,* yer for this onelycaufe, thatthey honoured Christ, and called them*felves Chriftians ,(fo odious was that preciousname untothciradvcrfarics) they wereput to the extrcmcft tortures that the utmoftinventions of cruelty and rage could devifcagainft them , as lu^in Martyr and TertuBianin their learned and eloquent Apologies forthem doc amply dcmonflrate :this caufedAdrian the Emperor to ordaine,that thence- Eueb. nn ^.:forth none of them Ihould be appeached ^*^'^*barely for that name jUnlcffe they tranfgrcffedtheLawcs,According to thcfc examples^and for thevery fame caufes, I have adventured topublifli to the world ,the life and death ofthis

<strong>of</strong> Viy. Bolton. ?o<strong>the</strong>r miferics which rhey endure <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>world , meerely for his fervice j bee <strong>the</strong>y o-<strong>the</strong>rwifc never fo wife ,juft , mcekc, peaceable,<strong>and</strong> unrebukeable amongft men : Wirneffeth<strong>of</strong>e many terrible perrecutions(mentionedin Ecclefiafticall Stories) againft<strong>the</strong>ff«/^' h^/-Chridians, though harmleflJe <strong>and</strong> innocent 5though <strong>the</strong>y prayed for <strong>the</strong>ir Empcrours,<strong>and</strong> God did miracles in <strong>the</strong>ir armies by*'"^^'<strong>the</strong>ir prayers,* yer for this onelycaufe, that<strong>the</strong>y honoured Christ, <strong>and</strong> called <strong>the</strong>m*felves Chriftians ,(fo odious was that preciousname untothciradvcrfarics) <strong>the</strong>y wereput to <strong>the</strong> extrcmcft tortures that <strong>the</strong> utm<strong>of</strong>tinventions <strong>of</strong> cruelty <strong>and</strong> rage could devifcagainft <strong>the</strong>m , as lu^in Martyr <strong>and</strong> TertuBianin <strong>the</strong>ir <strong>learned</strong> <strong>and</strong> eloquent Apologies for<strong>the</strong>m doc amply dcmonflrate :this caufedAdrian <strong>the</strong> Emperor to ordaine,that <strong>the</strong>nce- Eueb. nn ^.:forth none <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>m Ihould be appeached ^*^'^*barely for that name jUnlcffe <strong>the</strong>y tranfgrcffed<strong>the</strong>Lawcs,According to thcfc examples^<strong>and</strong> for <strong>the</strong>very fame caufes, I have adventured topublifli to <strong>the</strong> world ,<strong>the</strong> life <strong>and</strong> <strong>death</strong> <strong>of</strong>this

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