Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...

Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...

Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...


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OF HEAUEN. 139Not ( faith "^ Chnf<strong>of</strong>icir.e) bccauje <strong>the</strong>y ft: all no^ fir-* ^««c /«/-pafet/je brightnep<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Stm ; but^ becaufc that be-%ut\d inbetng<strong>the</strong> m<strong>of</strong>i ghttenngthngin<strong>the</strong> %vcrlcl.j lee fakes a rigm fatrurefemblafjce <strong>the</strong>nce towards <strong>the</strong> exfrepng cf <strong>the</strong>ir in-^Z^^^^i^f^^^^COmfarable glory.amfplcndoremron fuperabunt; ka quntido nihil fclgen'.ius Sole vidernus, proptcrea re apcitiflima nobis adcxprimcnJurn ufiis eit. In liSat.Homi^ /)- 6/But hov/ can th-re be fo mi;ch beauty afid de-lightFull amiable nfpfd: in fuch intenfive <strong>and</strong> ex-traordinary biightnefTe c' Or what plcafure canwe take in beholding fuch extremely bright <strong>and</strong>Ihining bodies ! Sith wc find by experience, that<strong>the</strong>re is fane more content <strong>and</strong> delight in lookingupon a well-proportioned objecfi:, beautified witha pleafant mixture <strong>of</strong> colours, than in feeing <strong>the</strong>Sun, though it fhould not fo dazle, <strong>and</strong> olfend <strong>the</strong>^'orifedejes^^'^^^-^^ ^'eyes.For fatis fa (5li on herein, wemuftknow, that <strong>the</strong>* glorified c3^c fhall become impalfible, elevated *Neq,ine<strong>of</strong>arre above all mortall poilibility, <strong>and</strong> fortified by '°^°^i^"^cnd'an heavenly Vigour, to apprehend <strong>and</strong> enjoy all ce- forte a nimiolelftiall light <strong>and</strong> glory with much ravifhing ^^'con-^^P'^"'''°^^tentment <strong>and</strong> inexplicable delight. & '^ -"Jj**beati erunr,"."Jj]per hoc impafl;bilcs & immortales ;qui cnim luminc glor/ar confortabit oculos.mentis," nc vidcntcs Devm facie ad facicm^ opprimantui a gloria, jdem etiam dateimp-.iTibiluatiS confortabic ocalos co;pons, nt Gne laefione cernant non Solemunuaij fed innumcrabilcs.ac"'^^ hrigiMms>^^ ^«^^'^*-^^-Secondly : that omnipotent mercifull h<strong>and</strong> <strong>of</strong>God, which will raife our bodies out <strong>of</strong><strong>the</strong> duff,<strong>and</strong> refcrm.e <strong>the</strong>m anew, can caufe light <strong>and</strong> colourto

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