Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...

Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ... Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...
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154 OF HEAUEN.meafure in C h r i s t our head, is communicatedfrom Him to us His members 5 Co that thenwe fliall no more live by our animall faculty, norneed for prefervation of life, mcate,drinkc, ifleepe,clothing, phy/icke, or the former naturallhelpes.In which refped they ceafe to be naturall bodies,being freed from thofe animall faculties of nourifliing,increafing, and multiplying by generation.They {hall no more live byvertue of foodand nourifliment thrice concodled : firft, in theftomach, &c. but fhal 1 be fpirituall and heavenly,living without all thefe helpes,heaven do*as the Angels in2. Bccaufe they fliall in all things become fub-*je^tothe Spirit of God; and be.„-l'miVrviwholly,tus carmpercnsnonincon- fccftly, and willingly guided by him, with a fpirigvuecarnaiis, tuall,Angelicall,moft abfolute,and free fervrens^'rel^^ thefpritferving theflejl) may not unfitly he calledfte appelLuur carnall-fethebodyobediemtothcfifdeiSiiih. "^ Jujlm)fpintualis:non^^^My termd fpiritudl.quia m Ipjritu o y Jiconvertetui-jficut nonrmlli piitant j eo quod fcriptum eft : Scminaiur corpM anmale,TefurgttcorpM fpiriluak : Sedquia fpiiitui (umma & mirabili o'otemperandi facilitatelubdetui-j ufq; nd implendam immortalitatis indiflblublis feciinffimam voluncatcmoinni molcflir fcnfu, omni corruptibilitate Si taiduKG dciraifta. Non folum cnirnnonerittale, quale mmc'tft in optima valetudinc; fedncc tale quidem qu.ilefuitmpriniis hominibus ante peccatum. Qui licet nioiitiiri non eficnt^nifi pcccaflentjnlitrcnristamen nt homines utebaniur, non rpiiituihaj fed adhue animalia corpoia gcilantes.©cCJW.Dei Lib.i^.Capio.Non potcflas, fed egeftas cdcndi ac bibcndi talibus corporibiis auferetur.Vrdc &fpiritalia erunt, non q uia corpora ellc dcfifttnt, fed quia fpiritu vi vificantc fub(iftent.iJenKl&idCap.iz.^crufs'an- 3- ^y ^'^^^^" oftheir ^ aaiveneffe, nimblcncffe,aom rcfurget agility : whereby they fhall be able to moove fromfpiritale,quiiivelocitate^levitate^pcifpicuitatefjjuiwbus eiit i^q\\i\c.ldemTom.9p.z.Mihipa£

OFHEAUEN. 155place to place with * incredible rvviftnefTe and* ^^""^ ^^^afpeed; not being at all hindrcd by their weight. muragi'iia,''"ItK^n heavy Itimfe ef had, thatfii^kes now to the hot. Sol, peifpicua.tome, beim ivire-drawm as it werehy the workman tn- ^T^^'"*^'^° ^1 r'^r 1 11 r /r • i n- \ niin niincamtothe forme of a boatj wUl jwimmej ( laitii

154 OF HEAUEN.meafure in C h r i s t our head, is communicatedfrom Him to us His members 5 Co that <strong>the</strong>nwe fliall no more live by our animall faculty, norneed for prefervation <strong>of</strong> life, mcate,drinkc, ifleepe,clothing, phy/icke, or <strong>the</strong> former naturallhelpes.In which refped <strong>the</strong>y ceafe to be naturall bodies,being freed from th<strong>of</strong>e animall faculties <strong>of</strong> nourifliing,increafing, <strong>and</strong> multiplying by generation.They {hall no more live byvertue <strong>of</strong> food<strong>and</strong> nourifliment thrice concodled : firft, in <strong>the</strong>ftomach, &c. but fhal 1 be fpirituall <strong>and</strong> heavenly,living without all <strong>the</strong>fe helpes,heaven do*as <strong>the</strong> Angels in2. Bccaufe <strong>the</strong>y fliall in all <strong>things</strong> become fub-*je^to<strong>the</strong> Spirit <strong>of</strong> God; <strong>and</strong> be.„-l'miVrviwholly,tus carmpercnsnonincon- fccftly, <strong>and</strong> willingly guided by him, with a fpirigvuecarnaiis, tuall,Angelicall,m<strong>of</strong>t abfolute,<strong>and</strong> free fervrens^'rel^^ <strong>the</strong>fpritferving <strong>the</strong>flejl) may not unfitly he calledfte appelLuur carnall-fe<strong>the</strong>bodyobediemtothcfifdeiSiiih. "^ Jujlm)fpintualis:non^^^My termd fpiritudl.quia m Ipjritu o y Jiconvertetui-jficut nonrmlli piitant j eo quod fcriptum eft : Scminaiur corpM anmale,TefurgttcorpM fpiriluak : Sedquia fpiiitui (umma & mirabili o'otemper<strong>and</strong>i facilitatelubdetui-j ufq; nd implendam immortalitatis indiflblublis feciinffimam voluncatcmoinni molcflir fcnfu, omni corruptibilitate Si taiduKG dciraifta. Non folum cnirnnonerittale, quale mmc'tft in optima valetudinc; fedncc tale quidem qu.ilefuitmpriniis hominibus ante peccatum. Qui licet nioiitiiri non eficnt^nifi pcccaflentjnlitrcnristamen nt homines utebaniur, non rpiiituihaj fed adhue animalia corpoia gcilantes.©cCJW.Dei Lib.i^.Capio.Non potcflas, fed egeftas cdcndi ac bibcndi talibus corporibiis auferetur.Vrdc &fpiritalia erunt, non q uia corpora ellc dcfifttnt, fed quia fpiritu vi vificantc fub(iftent.iJenKl&idCap.iz.^crufs'an- 3- ^y ^'^^^^" <strong>of</strong><strong>the</strong>ir ^ aaiveneffe, nimblcncffe,aom rcfurget agility : whereby <strong>the</strong>y fhall be able to moove fromfpiritale,quiiivelocitate^levitate^pcifpicuitatefjjuiwbus eiit i^q\\i\c.ldemTom.9p.z.Mihipa£

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