Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...

Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...

Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...


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OF HEAVEN. 113hundred Suns at <strong>the</strong> leaft, (whence arifcth a mafTe<strong>of</strong> {hining beauty) upward into <strong>the</strong> EmpyreanHeaven; which Patriciti^ endeavours induftri- "Nihil teouflytoproove; I fay, topalfe ir byasaeround-''**^"l?*-', rr ^ -1\^'^ir f• alkvciaie, vclIcfle » conceipt 5let us take a Icantlingjas it were, , .ficun dcbeo.<strong>and</strong>eftimate<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> incomparable brightncfle <strong>and</strong> Njvi interim,fplendour<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> higheft heaven; by that which ^^T;^ ^^^Orthodoxe Divines foberly tell from Pev.21 . <strong>and</strong> iua, fup.emumo<strong>the</strong>r places; to wit, that it is verm oxu//.^<strong>of</strong>, whol- ^«'"'" /^^F'"-powringoutabundantly whole rivers, as it were, Dicuur; uon.<strong>of</strong> pureft heavenly light,^ii}y light, not like <strong>the</strong> Starry Firmament, be- n!um"fubnm.fpangl'd here <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong>re with glittering fpots ; but g nc novaealias it werc,onc ^ great Sttn, From every Point ^•f'«/«>'»''-illuflratf4.w; (^Lucernaejmefi ^^ntis. Quid Fiinc riMPptiici Dc fentcntia :> lohanitii : ^UliaKi ij/^elucemcxleflUglorU ; aliamSolh d^' LunxiNonopui cjfeSile (ait) ^ Z,M»(i.'N.*.gatjoeft fydcrcje liicis Opponitur ci affirmatiodiv.nas lucis &.gIonolx, qu3E progufcitura D I I gloria & Agno Filio Dei. /bid.Neg^ urbs ifia eger Sole, O'c,^Non negat, qiiin Scl & Lina in firriamento fiiumrctcntura funt iHtncnjrrd .nitfupremuni lUud coelun,long' piaelbntiori liicefplcndcie,ncc opu» habere tali Sole & Luna. Gloria inquit Dei if^Ticitttv-rh, Difcrimcn facieinter JTo^cti'gloiiam Dei, & inter (pai quo ipfa urbs illuftratur, Gloria Dsi majcUaseft Dei, hixq; ilia, Deitas iplius, quam inhabitarc Dbus dicitur. Ea omnibus eftiinacccffa3& corporcisoculisinvifibilis. Abhacmajcftare veto pro bencplacito voluntatisDbt, lumen creatum pr<strong>of</strong>icifcitur, quo tota urbs fplendct : & quo eledis ctiamcommunicatOjcflSc.t DEVS,ut ipfum plene,& quafi facie ad facicm cogn<strong>of</strong>cant 2an(b»deCee!obeat».Cap ^.* Goelum Beatorum eft imprimis lucidiflimum, coq; vcrns oKvfji.'Troi : Hoc eft to-»«m &omBi ex parte lumin<strong>of</strong>umaclplendjdum. Non enim eft l)>;ut firmamentumrarijs ornatum ftellis, eoqj ahbi lucidum : alibi veto non ira lucidum, (cd totum eftji[€ljacidum. Eft enim perinde atqj fi totum fit quidcm Sol. maximus^ & omnia fuoambitu corapleftcns.Ncq: lux ilia eft fimilis luci ftellarum,neq} etiamejufdem gene-R«. Sed eft lux vere divina, licet areata ; idcirco quia lux eft alterius generis, & lux eftglorir, noa penetrat hue ad nos ufq;: oculistamcn cwporeis faturo fecWo a ncbwvidcbitw. Idem /hid.<strong>of</strong>

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