Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...

Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ... Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...
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iteOF HEAVEN.Heaven agteut^'^"^*,i. By itS * dcfCTPptkm, ^ifT^.^t. It !S tdlcdStatum by an excellerKry, 7/Mi grea- Cy, ^c,Which if it bc immediately meant (as many learn-Rcdcfix cominuuTia fuo ed andliolv Divines wotild have it)ofthc2lorv oftempore luom-, ^, \ , . . 117°"^,nem ufc]^, xtcr-the Chui'ch here O'l earth, wheii both Jewrs 2ndBody and Brother-hood, before C h mnitatem de- Genttles flull be happily tinircd inro one ChriftiansmfL^f^o- ts fe.phctae icfiias cond comming, it is no leffe pregnant to proove,& Eiechid^ ^j^^j. j|^g Hcaven of Heavens is a place moft gloricuTnSi^oivnixoiis above all comparrfon and conccipt. For, ifiRx v.nicinin. thevcbeluch goodlinefiTe, amplitude, beauty andmajcrfty in this Militant Church; howcUit^vd^deinfinitelyfoio' coeio, fed wiU this bsauty bc yet more beautified, and allde utrov, iithisgloryglodfiedwith incredible additions inToffi-u!" «t dltheChurch Triumphant ^ If there be fuch excelbcjntI vciu 11 lency upon earth,what may -we expeft in the Hea-^^^^-^'^ ^°'^'^- vcn of Heavens^ratione. Nc^uc'enmi omnia^qux dc EccUTu funtjCa-etiahixle calointelligi poflianttNeque'nciffi*! omnia, qu« dcCcelojCa ad Ecciefiam accomaindari qi'.eunt.Butye are too^ferve, that it irnot the purpofe of the Holy Ghost to fet forthtie juji andfuScdmpaJfc of the Heaven'y lem/slem : ( For it is intneafur^bk to our cafacity)hut by tbi! great msafure, Htgi-^ah-m.-i^it tpere^ firm to/ieic] thcUrgene^thereof. GyfJkd iTpon Rev.Cap. z\.1h heaven many 2. "By thofe many ^ fjifd-ifio^s prepared fortnhahit^nn^^^^^many thoufand thoufands ofglorified Bodies afterones funt m the laft Day, /

O F HEAVEN. m5. By the incredible djftancc from the earthto '/V^fi^i^^theStarry Firmamcor. Ifllhould here tell you ^eV^the fevcrall "^computations of AOronomcrs in * Mathcmatidthis kind, the fliinmcs would feeme to exceed allcaiSX^poflibilityof beliefe. And yet befidcs, the late Cm fiimamenflearnedll ofthem place above the eiglu Sphere, " 'r.cuentcs,wherein allthofe glorious lamps {hine fo bright, is^^T^e^miU* three moving Orbs more. Now the Empyre- luna GcrmaanHeaven comprehends all thefe, howincom-^'"^i, j/„'^ ^prehenfiblethen muftits compaflTe andgreamejOfc Kofetu* nun-.e-EccelTarily be ^rat 65457 500.A^c jgitiiri^antum dtcisjlflr(Aoge^ctKtro tenx^ ad ccelmn o^avum, fat frmamtntum vulp appeL'aiUfa^ M-(icnii&m.

O F HEAVEN. m5. By <strong>the</strong> incredible djftancc from <strong>the</strong> earthto '/V^fi^i^^<strong>the</strong>Starry Firmamcor. Ifllhould here tell you ^eV^<strong>the</strong> fevcrall "^computations <strong>of</strong> AOronomcrs in * Mathcmatidthis kind, <strong>the</strong> fliinmcs would feeme to exceed allcaiSX^p<strong>of</strong>libility<strong>of</strong> beliefe. And yet befidcs, <strong>the</strong> late Cm fiimamenf<strong>learned</strong>ll <strong>of</strong><strong>the</strong>m place above <strong>the</strong> eiglu Sphere, " 'r.cuentcs,wherein allth<strong>of</strong>e glorious lamps {hine fo bright, is^^T^e^miU* three moving Orbs more. Now <strong>the</strong> Empyre- luna GcrmaanHeaven comprehends all <strong>the</strong>fe, howincom-^'"^i, j/„'^ ^prehenfible<strong>the</strong>n muftits compaflTe <strong>and</strong>greamejOfc K<strong>of</strong>etu* nun-.e-EccelTarily be ^rat 65457 500.A^c jgitiiri^antum dtcisjlflr(Aoge^ctKtro tenx^ ad ccelmn o^avum, fat frmamtntum vulp appeL'aiUfa^ M-(icnii&m.

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