Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...

Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ... Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...
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iio ^FHBLL___^fiRiLbniw"^ and brimftone, kept in highcft flame, by the uncmom.eTtQ, quenchable wrath of Gqd,. world without end >:pcrpctiai audi- whcrc thou (halt have nothing about thee butretotcenteno- j^-ij-kneflTe and horrour, wailing and wrinpina ofrum millium , ,- ^ ... W n p o '-'*harribihiHmos hands, y dclperatqyellings and gnafliing of teeth :mugitus, plan, thinc old Companions in vanity and fin to ban andpenndrif men ^^^^^ ^^ce with much bittcrnciTe and rage ; wickedboves aifentur Divcls to infult over thee with hellidi cruelty andym, am lira-fcome; ths ncvcr-dying worme to feed upon thypidi canes catc- ^ , i n n c ir ^ ^ ^ . •'nas rumpeie foule and fleth tor cvcr and tor ever. ^ O Eternity 1luftmtur, ncc Eternity !, Etcmity-lpoifirit. Fiiigamiisquofcunqjauiiumauciitus,clamorcshominum,latratus canum,1upor«m ii!u!atiis,rnuoitus boum,rugitus leonum, aUaru;>i beftiaruai fremitus, frjgorcs nub.uni, dffjcdusaqeiarnm, &quicquidinamoemimaufibus fingi poceft i ah quam id r-inac nihil eft aJ Orcim nxplebisdcfpcratiffiiTium HctUin, ciijus aiiiflaiium eft ft idoi' dciniiirn.* O ccecitas humans gentis nullis fat lachrymisdcplorand-i I Ex omnibus tcmplo-Nos nihil ominus praffentirum Pulpitis clamatur, ^ternitas, ^ternitas, ^rernitas.ducimur voluptate. Adco pciirc fu.ive eft.Q£!S exprinaatquid (ic jetcinJtas ? Quis concipint quid fit /Eccrnitas ? Eft'tlrruaipcrpttuuni Sam, quod prjeccriro caret & futuro.Eftcirculus, cujusccntmm femp^ijCircumfcientianunquam.Cogitomille annos, cogito tot annoiun millii quot funt momenta/eupunftain tototempore acondito munioufq; ad ejus coarumm3tionem'j&dc artermtate nihil habeo O e/fccrnitas I Quis potent parefle ®/£:ternicati in tormcntis? Etfumus tormcntiipforum afcendct in fxcuU/^culorumi^poc i^^.Q^ia eft in [^eculafeculorum iVolodicerc,& nefcio diccre, lUud tantilm fcioid ipfurn cfle,qood D E v s{"olu* fya la^iiitaie ami>it & complcflitur,Benotwearied Sithit isthus then, that Upon the little inch of'" *" ^'^^^ ^^ ^^^5 life,depends the length and bredth,thev/dfefffheight and depth of immortality in the world tocome : even two eternities ; the one infinitely accurfed,theother infinitly comfortable- lofTeofeverlaftingjoyes,and lying in eternall flames; fithnever ending pleafures orpainesdoe unavoidablyfoUowthc well or mif-fpending of this fliort moment

OF HEAVEN.ment upon earth ; with what unwearied care andwatchfulnefTe ought we to zncndth^tOffe/^eceJfarythinx all the d^es ofour appointed time, till our changejhaucome? How ought we as fir angers andpilgrimsto ahfiainefromflefijly lufis ?What manner offerfinsmght we to be in allholy conquerfatten and godlinejfe ?How thriftily and induftrioufly to husband thepoore remainder oFour few and evil! daies for themaking our Calling and Electionfare: In a word,withwhatrefolution and zeale to do orfuffer any thinginfor ]esvs Christ:' "^ With what induftry and ^Q^,idagisdeareneffe to ply this monient,and prize that cter- mifcr, penre-jj.^I""y 'unajimo vcl unlca partt horulsc j.tras,qiiod asternum Jolcas.vis F.icillimo:"jftudimpendiofier : horulaiino momcnto vel anico per iram vel libidiiiem pa-Hie ferio cogitandum : Itanc homines eruiiti, & humano fenfu fanfli accufantur,judicantufjdamnnntur ? Qiiid mini fitt mifcro ? ^rgo animutn quantis poffiim in^*duftriis cuiabo.Alii fe/uamq; ciiticulam curcnt ccrernitatis obliti,vigeanr,f1orcant,cia3forfan cini> & faviUa.Hos ego mores nihil mororjbanceooYiam non ingrcdior,nam &alium vise terminum (\\\xxo.Concerning the joycs ofHeaven,Let n:iee tell you before hand, that the excel-3"^^ excc/Zacylency, glory, and fweetnefTe thereof, nomortall mterAbk."^heart, finite braine, created underftanding canpofTibly conceive and comprehend to the life.For,I. PWtelsus, I Or.2.p. Ih2it neither eye hathfeenCj ver eare heard, neither heart ofman cmceivedthe incomprehenfible fublimity and glorious myfteriesof that heavenly wifdome, and inexplicabledivine fweetnefle revealed in the Gofpell(For I take that: to bee his naturall immediate•meaning)

iio ^FHBLL___^fiRiLbniw"^ <strong>and</strong> brimftone, kept in highcft flame, by <strong>the</strong> uncmom.eTtQ, quenchable wrath <strong>of</strong> Gqd,. world without end >:pcrpctiai audi- whcrc thou (halt have nothing about <strong>the</strong>e butretotcenteno- j^-ij-kneflTe <strong>and</strong> horrour, wailing <strong>and</strong> wrinpina <strong>of</strong>rum millium , ,- ^ ... W n p o '-'*harribihiHmos h<strong>and</strong>s, y dclperatqyellings <strong>and</strong> gnafliing <strong>of</strong> teeth :mugitus, plan, thinc old Companions in vanity <strong>and</strong> fin to ban <strong>and</strong>penndrif men ^^^^^ ^^ce with much bittcrnciTe <strong>and</strong> rage ; wickedboves aifentur Divcls to infult over <strong>the</strong>e with hellidi cruelty <strong>and</strong>ym, am lira-fcome; ths ncvcr-dying worme to feed upon thypidi canes catc- ^ , i n n c ir ^ ^ ^ . •'nas rumpeie foule <strong>and</strong> fleth tor cvcr <strong>and</strong> tor ever. ^ O Eternity 1luftmtur, ncc Eternity !, Etcmity-lpoifirit. Fiiigamiisqu<strong>of</strong>cunqjauiiumauciitus,clamorcshominum,latratus canum,1upor«m ii!u!atiis,rnuoitus boum,rugitus leonum, aUaru;>i beftiaruai fremitus, frjgorcs nub.uni, dffjcdusaqeiarnm, &quicquidinamoemimaufibus fingi poceft i ah quam id r-inac nihil eft aJ Orcim nxplebisdcfpcratiffiiTium HctUin, ciijus aiiiflaiium eft ft idoi' dciniiirn.* O ccecitas humans gentis nullis fat lachrymisdcplor<strong>and</strong>-i I Ex omnibus tcmplo-Nos nihil ominus praffentirum Pulpitis clamatur, ^ternitas, ^ternitas, ^rernitas.ducimur voluptate. Adco pciirc fu.ive eft.Q£!S exprinaatquid (ic jetcinJtas ? Quis concipint quid fit /Eccrnitas ? Eft'tlrruaipcrpttuuni Sam, quod prjeccriro caret & futuro.Eftcirculus, cujusccntmm femp^ijCircumfcientianunquam.Cogitomille annos, cogito tot annoiun millii quot funt momenta/eupunftain tototempore acondito munioufq; ad ejus coarumm3tionem'j&dc artermtate nihil habeo O e/fccrnitas I Quis potent parefle ®/£:ternicati in tormcntis? Etfumus tormcntiipforum afcendct in fxcuU/^culorumi^poc i^^.Q^ia eft in [^eculafeculorum iVolodicerc,& nefcio diccre, lUud tantilm fcioid ipfurn cfle,qood D E v s{"olu* fya la^iiitaie ami>it & complcflitur,Benotwearied Sithit isthus <strong>the</strong>n, that Upon <strong>the</strong> little inch <strong>of</strong>'" *" ^'^^^ ^^ ^^^5 life,depends <strong>the</strong> length <strong>and</strong> bredth,<strong>the</strong>v/dfefffheight <strong>and</strong> depth <strong>of</strong> immortality in <strong>the</strong> world tocome : even two eternities ; <strong>the</strong> one infinitely accurfed,<strong>the</strong>o<strong>the</strong>r infinitly comfortable- l<strong>of</strong>Te<strong>of</strong>everlaftingjoyes,<strong>and</strong> lying in eternall flames; fithnever ending pleafures orpainesdoe unavoidablyfoUowthc well or mif-fpending <strong>of</strong> this fliort moment

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