Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...

Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...

Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...


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105 OF HELL.JJ^°J\^^""/_le(a <strong>and</strong> hornblc ingratitude; <strong>and</strong> To now lieftfccaninwcfal drowned <strong>and</strong> damn'd in that dreadfull lake <strong>of</strong>gitabit, quia britTiftonc <strong>and</strong> fire, which thou mighteft havefoeafily <strong>and</strong> <strong>of</strong>ten cfcaped.p This irkfome <strong>and</strong> fu-fimS'^fp'a'i^:tcmpoiis non fious rcflcdion cfthy foulc upon its ownewilfull^^^^y' whei-by it hath fo unneceilarily <strong>and</strong> fottiflilyia?o*&Sbiiihis Ton^i l<strong>of</strong>tcverlaftingjoy, <strong>and</strong> muft now live inendlefleprivarinosin- woc, wiU vcxe <strong>and</strong>torrtute more <strong>the</strong>n thou canftp<strong>of</strong>rxblyiniagine^continually gnawctl>7«3farupon thy heartH9SI.77, "With remedilefle <strong>and</strong> unconceivable griefe ; <strong>and</strong>Eft qui dc- in a word, even make an hell it fclfe.eS miliia PhilippcorumzCfcquipotiiilTet ade<strong>and</strong>a h^rcditatc, fed illc ignaviffimus caufx Cnx indormijtj itaqhxrcditatcmtarn opttlentam neglcxitj jamq ; talibus ferae poenitenti« furijs agitatur,ut ipfe fibi itnmincat, velut ipfum difcerptmiis. Et nontiunquam mors i nde violent*fequitur. Haud aliterdamnatorumquilibetfeipfumficallatrat : Potuiflem ; auxilianon decrant, vocabat, PotaiflemjEhu ! Potuiflem j fed nolui. A fummo bono cxcluitffimusfura in omnc aemmj& ufq; in xrernum non videbo lumen, qaia nolui vidcre,Scntirc tamo fc bono privatum effe, & qtiidem fua culpa inexplicabilis, inf<strong>and</strong>us eritilolor mcerorqj^tb^^'da tff^^fface.^ ^^^"' having y cf zfricein thine h<strong>and</strong>, toget w'tf.dom^yX.o go to heaven,lay it out with all holy grecdinefle,while it is called T«>^jf, for <strong>the</strong> fpirituall<strong>and</strong> eternall good <strong>of</strong>thy foule ! Improve to <strong>the</strong> utm<strong>of</strong>t,for that purp<strong>of</strong>e, <strong>the</strong> m<strong>of</strong>t powerfuU Miniftry,holicft company, beftbookes, all motions <strong>of</strong>Gods Spirit,all faving meaneSjcJ*^. Spend everyday,pa{fc every Sabbath, make every prayer,heareevery Sermon, thinke every thought, fpeake everyword, do every adion^e^c. As though when thatwere done, thou wert prefently after to pafTe toTudgement, <strong>and</strong> to eive up an exad account for it,<strong>and</strong> whatfbever els done in <strong>the</strong>flejh,nm-mmnt aThat<strong>the</strong> cooceipt<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> eTerlaflingneJnfe<strong>of</strong>^tnilefc.^\^^

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