Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...

Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...

Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...


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OF HELLI fay, <strong>the</strong> l<strong>of</strong>le but <strong>of</strong> any one <strong>of</strong><strong>the</strong>fe would be afar dearer <strong>and</strong> more unvaluable l<strong>of</strong>le, than that <strong>of</strong>ten thouf<strong>and</strong> worlds, were <strong>the</strong>y all composed <strong>of</strong>pureftgold, <strong>and</strong> brim-full with richeft jewels.What will it be <strong>the</strong>n (thinke you) to l<strong>of</strong>e all <strong>the</strong>fe,nay, <strong>the</strong> full <strong>and</strong> abfolute fruition <strong>of</strong> all heavenlyexcellencies,beauties,glories,'pleafure$ <strong>and</strong> perfedions,<strong>and</strong>that eternallyrl know full well that carnailconceipts <strong>and</strong> worldly-wife men will wonderatthis 3 for, having no fight but by fcnfuall eyes,<strong>the</strong>y cannot poifibly apprehend, or will by anymeanes acknowledge any fuch thing. Eagle-ey'd<strong>the</strong>y arc, <strong>and</strong> fharpe-fighted enough into <strong>things</strong> <strong>of</strong>earth; yet blinder than a mole (as <strong>the</strong>y lay) in beholdingany fpirituall or celeftiall beauty. But hadVfchut thccycs <strong>of</strong> Aufiwj Bajllj C/jry/<strong>of</strong>lome, <strong>and</strong>fome o<strong>the</strong>r holyFa<strong>the</strong>rs,C<strong>and</strong> why fliould not oursbe clearer <strong>and</strong> brighter, confidering <strong>the</strong> greaterfplendour <strong>and</strong> illuftrioufnes <strong>of</strong> divine knowledgein<strong>the</strong>fetimesOwefhouldeafily confeflfe that <strong>the</strong>farre greateft, <strong>and</strong> (indeed) m<strong>of</strong>t unconceiveablcgriefe would be, to be fevered for ever from <strong>the</strong>higheft <strong>and</strong> fupreme Good : <strong>and</strong> that a thouf<strong>and</strong>thouf<strong>and</strong>'rentings <strong>of</strong><strong>the</strong> foule from <strong>the</strong> body ,wereinfinitely lefTe than one <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> foule from God.Nic<strong>of</strong>if^atus in JEli/m,hin-\M£c being a cunning artifan,finding a curious pcece <strong>of</strong><strong>worke</strong>, <strong>and</strong> beingwondred at by one, <strong>and</strong>ask'd, whatpleafurc heccould take, to ft<strong>and</strong> as he did, ftill gazing on <strong>the</strong>pidure, anfwered •: Hadft thou mine eyes, myfriend, thou wouldeft not wonder, but] ra<strong>the</strong>r beeravilhcd, as lara, at <strong>the</strong> inimitable art <strong>of</strong> this rareH<strong>and</strong>p7

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